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Potosina University would have defrauded almost 1,800 medical students – El Sol de San Luis

Parents from the Universidad Potosina demonstrated because They assure that this private institution allegedly does not have the Official Validity Registry, REVOE.they realized because their children finished their Bachelor’s Degree in Medicine and they cannot give them their certificate to practice.

Susana García Guerrero who spoke on behalf of the complainants, They claim to be victims of fraudgiven that Since the previous semester they realized that they do not have registration and when they questioned Kevin Fabián Elías Alfaro, an official of the private educational institution, he only deceived them with false statements.

“It was like giving the finger to the people who were worried about what was happening, but we were calm. We approached the Secretary of Education of the State Government, SEGE, to question them about the registration, and they calmed us down, We went to the rector and he told us not to worry, that his RVOE was 19477 and that it was in order and then it was just a matter of some updates. Up to this point we were all a little calm about what was happening, but we were not satisfied since We later found out that eighth semester students were being returned to the health institutions where they were doing their social services or their stays because they were not being recognized.”.

When some Second year parents were put on alertthey began to look for a university option for their children, when they knocked on the doors of other private universities they told them to bring a letter to be able to revalidate their subjects and be able to move on, “that did not happen because the universities all told us that the that the Universidad Potosina in the Medicine degree does not have the Revoe and that they cannot make any subject or time that our children have spent at the University valid.”

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Given that situation Desperate young people turned to the SEGE many times and did not pay attention to them “Today I am learning about students who send us their files to form the entire legal history, and there are cases from five years ago, being foreigners, so in this situation they were really alarming and we are already beginning to see that it really was not right Within a year we realized all the irregularities, but the government made us say that everything was fine. Until recently I think it was already separated from what is happening, but it is worth mentioning and it is very important to know that These five years at least that our students were in Potosina having the hope and striving every day to have a profession and they have been disappointed”.

The students They had to be emboldened and bravely took the street of Avenida Carranza and the SEGE authorities did listen to them and proposed a meeting. which was going to be developed first at the Polytechnic University, but in the end they were sent to the Labyrinth “it was not possible, they changed the date for today, yesterday afternoon they still changed the headquarters for this place. I hope and have confidence that the Secretariat has made this move since we are many people and they do not have a very favorable response for our students and families who have been harmed.

For now They estimate that about 1,800 students will be affected. And they also report that they are being charged exaggeratedly to obtain their children’s documents. who were supposedly defrauded.

They criticized that the rector Arturo Segoviano is allowing the operation of the university without registration “that is inadmissible, we cannot allow it, we need help, it is very important to mention at the moment in which the official validity record is lost that all the studies become obsolete, they are invalid, they are not going to help us revalidate the subjects in another institution.”

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