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Mario Netri announced that he is leaving the Supreme Court of the province

According to what was known, the departure of Mario Netri, who is over 80 years old, is motivated by health problems. The vacancy raises expectations about who will take his place and how this will impact the functioning of the court when it occurs.

Netri joined the Supreme Court in 2001, promoted at that time by former governor Carlos Reutemann. His departure highlights the need for renewal in the body, especially considering that the majority of judges are over 75 years of age, including the president. Rafael Gutierrez.

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For its part, Roberto Falistocco He is 77; Mario Netri81; Eduardo Spuler, 80; and Maria Angelica Gastaldi76. The only one below is Daniel Erbetta, 68.

With the departure of Mario Netri, a new chapter opens in the history of the Supreme Court of Justice of Santa Fe and the needs to generate renewal among its members.

This coincides with the government’s intention to Maximiliano Pullaro to promote changes to modernize the judicial system, a challenge that will surely mark the course of the Court in the coming years.

READ MORE ► First round trip in the management of Maximiliano Pullaro due to “an expensive and inefficient Justice” that did not take long to react

During the election campaign and From the first day he took charge of the Gray House, Maximiliano Pullaro launched strong criticisms of the functioning of the Judiciary. “We find ourselves with an expensive Justice that does not give answers,” was one of the outstanding phrases of the first speech given by the brand new provincial leader in the Chamber of Deputies.

Days later, Pullaro mentioned again that Santa Fe has “an expensive and inefficient Justice” and described: “This can be seen based on the response they give to the neighbors in all jurisdictions, not only the prison, which is the one that stands out the most and the one that is most permanently felt, but to the rest of the areas.” .

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