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MIMP launches tomorrow in Amazonas strategy to prevent sexual violence in minors | News

The Ministry of Women and Vulnerable Populations (MIMP) will launch tomorrow in Amazonas a new strategy in 15 regions in order to promote the adoption of favorable attitudes and behaviors in the population for the prevention of sexual attacks against girls, boys and adolescents and combat such attacks. attacks that in many cases remain unreported, harming the victims.

This is the intervention ‘Prevent to protect’ and will be launched tomorrow (Friday, June 14) in a special ceremony in the Amazon region“, announced Vice Minister Elba Espinoza in an interview on TV Perú.

He highlighted the commitment of the regional government to apply the strategy that will also be implemented in the regions of Áncash, Arequipa, Ayacucho, Cajamarca, Callao, Cusco, Huánuco, Lambayeque, Metropolitan Lima, Loreto, Madre de Dios, Puno, San Martín and Tumbes.

He specified that the “Prevent to protect” strategy is a multi-sector intervention where community attention is necessary.

“It is about coordination with other ministries and regional and local governments, as well as with citizens because we must all be vigilant,” he stressed.

Espinoza commented that in the case of the Amazonas region, he has expressed his commitment to directly support the intervention and the services will be shared with the authorities of the region and they will be informed of the strategies that will work with the community.

“Prevent to protect” Girls, boys and adolescents free of violence, is the motto that will accompany the strategy to be applied.

When giving figures on cases of sexual assault, he reported that this year, between January and April, there have been 18,711 cases of violence against girls, boys and adolescents, of which 12,906 cases correspond to violence committed against girls and women. adolescents, which represents 69% of the total cases.

The Vice Minister of Women added that the victims of sexual violence are, for the most part, girls and adolescents between 12 and 17 years of age.

“This type of violence – between sexual rape, sexual harassment, inappropriate touching, acts of sexual connotation or violence through technological means – usually occurs in the closest environments,” he stated, which is serious because many times the cases are not reported. for being immersed in the family environment.

After indicating that the situation is quite delicate, he said that although work has been done applying many services to address the complaints, “little has been done to prevent them.”

“That is why we are intervening to see, through the services and strategies that the ministry itself and the State already have, how we directly reach the population, the individual, the family so that these events do not occur and we are all a fairly participatory citizenry,” he pointed out.

The objectives of the Ministry of Women and Vulnerable Populations have been established as follows:

Specific objectives

Raise awareness among the population to question beliefs and attitudes that legitimize sexual violence against children and adolescents (NNA)


Population questions beliefs and attitudes that legitimize sexual violence against children and adolescents.


National Aurora Program:

• Women Accompanying Women.

• Empowered and autonomous women.

• Men for Equality

Specific objectives

Strengthen parental skills in families for the prevention of sexual violence in children and adolescents. Families adopt good parenting practices to reduce the risk of sexual violence in children and adolescents.


Families adopt good parenting practices to reduce the risk of sexual violence in children and adolescents.


Inabif National Program:

• With Punch Families

• Getting closer.

• Financial assistance for orphanhood.

Specific objectives

Promote community participation through the formation of support networks of leaders for the prevention of sexual violence in children and adolescents.


Established support networks that carry out local and community activism for the prevention of sexual violence in children and adolescents.


National Aurora Program:

• Men for Equality

• Women Accompanying Women.

• Educational Strategy.

Specific objectives

Involve public and private institutions in the development of articulated actions for the prevention of sexual violence against children and adolescents at the territorial level.


Public and private institutions involved in the prevention of sexual violence in children and adolescents that implement the Community Intervention Let’s Act Now!


• Public institutions.

• Private Institutions.


More in Andina:

Published: 6/13/2024

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