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They attack the Search Commission of San Luis Potosí

Police repel attack on the Search Commission. Photo: Omar Hernandez

A safety device It was implemented this Wednesday afternoon in the middle zone of San Luis Potosí, after registering a armed attack. The attack was against elements of the State Search Commission, who carried out field work in the municipality of San Ciro de Acosta.

  • The Secretariat of Public Security and Citizen Protection (SSPyPC) reported that a contingent of searching mothers, accompanied by agents of the state Civil Guard, were attacked with bullets by a group of criminals.
Four police officers were injured. Photo: Omar Hernandez

The uniformed They saved civilians and officials from the search and repelled the attack. However, Four of them were hit by bullets and reported injured.

The state police, supported by federal forces, They managed to overcome the shooting and The aggressors, finding themselves overwhelmed, surrendered.

A patrol was established to locate and detain armed civilians who tried to flee, So far, six people have been arrested.. All of the detainees are male and responsible for the attack on the State Search Commission contingent.

The injured police officers were transported by helicopter. Photo: Omar Hernandez

Due to the distance from urban areas, the injured were transported by helicopter to a hospital. At the hospital they received specialized care, the authorities report them stable and out of danger.

Agents of the State Civil Guard and Army soldiers, in addition to the National Guard (GN), carry out various patrols. They have established roadblocks to prevent armed civilians from traveling through the roads region ofmore accomplices of those arrested are being sought, according to the public security bulletin.

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