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For the same fouls, we will be penalized twice

“The truth is that we have more doubts than certainties regarding this system. We made a presentation at Legislature, We are going to do it tomorrow too deliberative Counciland the idea is that they provide more information to us and to the citizens,” said the provincial deputy, Brenda Buchinizin statements to Channel 8.

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He questioned that the information known on the subject has been “very biased and concise.” Even with some inaccuracies and reversals, as happened with speeding, an infraction that in principle was going to be fined but in the end not. Something similar will also happen with vehicles that do not have the regulatory lights.

“So, I say, in addition to this system that provides for fines, which are truly important, I understand that it will subsist or coexist at the same time as the scoring that is implemented, because two years ago the Municipality joined this national system with which for the same faults We are going to be penalized twice. That is, if a vehicle runs a red light through the scoring system, they will take away 5 points and, in addition, under the new system they will charge a fine ranging from 79,000 to 1,200,000 pesos,” reflected the provincial legislator.

He remembered that there is something called “principle of legality” in all regulations. Then he asked the question again: “Can you be punished twice for the same infraction?”

Therefore, the idea is May the Municipality clear up this doubt, among other concerns that have to do with the implementation of this system and the previous one. “The truth is After Scoring was implemented, they never gave us information regarding how traffic had behaved. If it had worked, if it had improved, if there were enough sanctions, if it had generated learning and better, safer driving, and if perhaps someone lost their driver’s license due to repeated fines,” he warned.

Buchiniz considered it important for society to be clear and have that information. He also shared the observations that many neighbors are going viral these days in different scenarios: “We do not solve the parking issue, we do not solve the pothole issue“They tell us that they are going to fine us when we step on a pedestrian path at a traffic light, but not all pedestrian paths are well painted, many arteries are not sufficiently signposted.”

Another urban postcard that generates a contradiction are the spaces reserved for small tables in cafes and restaurants that were implemented during the Covid-19 pandemic, when there were strong restrictions to concentrate many people in closed spaces and they sought a way back into the street. However, the pandemic passed and those reservations remain in force, in a city where parking is critical. “We always see them empty. We know, that must be lifted because it obstructs circulation, it takes away public parking space,” he stated categorically.

Finally, it added to the controversy of many neighbors who feel that this photomulta system is disproportionate and asks for much more than what the Municipality offers to improve the quality of life of Neuquéns.

We Neuquéns have to start demanding that compensation for everything that the mayor -Mariano Gaido- has been charging us. because there are more and more fees, there are more and more fines, there are more and more penalties, and we remain silent and asleep, letting them continue fining us, charging us and demanding things without giving us anything in return,” he concluded.

More details of the report request

The report asks why the Municipality now chooses to apply monetary fines instead of using the current penalties for Scoring.

You are requested to report on the regulations of ordinance No. 14,433 sanctioned in October 2022, through which the Contravention Code was modified for the implementation of Scoring.

Also if both systems will coexist simultaneously and this will result in the driver being penalized twice for the same fault; and to report on the results of the Scoring application.

This system grants each driver with their driver’s license 20 points that are supposedly deducted depending on the infractions or contraventions they may commit. The reality is that it is not known when they were sanctioned with the following discounts:

For more information, you can consult the report presented below.

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