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Entre Ríos, Santa Fe and Córdoba started the Permanent Health Board of the Central Region

In his opening words, Minister Guillermo Grieve, who was accompanied by the Secretary of Health, Daniel Blanzaco, said: “I believe that in this way a new way of approaching and framing health policy is imposed. We came to propose administrative, operational and professional strategies to see how we can work in the three provinces. “This is good and healthy, because above politics is the health of our people.”

Next, shared with his peers and the authorities of the Central Region the diagnosis of the situation in the province of Entre Ríos in health matters, and the seven points raised by the Entre Ríos Health Program that set the course to reverse existing inequities. “This is the program that we wanted to transmit to you today and we also came to learn from you, to see what you can contribute to us and what common strategies we can establish,” she said.

Finally, he also made reference to the national strategy: “Our three provinces, like many others, are making a significant effort and we have had certain difficulties with the Ministry of the Nation regarding the uncertainty about the support and operation of national programs “. And he concluded: “We will soon have a meeting with the Nation and I believe that if the three ministers go with a common strategy, that will give us a position of more power and greater understanding to obtain the continuity of these programs and these plans.”

In turn, the Minister of Health of Santa Fe, Silvia Ciancio, stated: “We hope that this Permanent Health Table transcends governments because the users of the health system need us, and everything that we can generate in this time is established and be improved over the years.

For his part, the head of the health portfolio of Córdoba, Ricardo Pieckenstainer, stated that the constitution of this Table “marks a joint agenda of the three governors and we realized that the Central Region shares the same opportunities, concerns, problems and “It has similar management axes. Therefore, being able to combine efforts between the three provinces will give us a position of hierarchy in issues and strategies that are priorities.”

Likewise, the Pro Tempore coordinator of the Executive Committee of the Central Region, Claudia Giaccone, referred to the coordinated and joint work that the three jurisdictions have been developing within the framework of the Central Region and assured: “Today we want to begin a path that is a effective model. We want to integrate society so that the region functions and is embodied in our citizens, because we have limits but not borders and we are integrated into this productive heart.”

Along the same lines, the president of Entre Ríos of the Central Region and Regional Integration Entity, Jorge Chemes, pointed out that the body’s objective is “to generate a strong structure between the provinces of Santa Fe, Córdoba and Entre Ríos, to ensure that this structure grows.” , that has the potential and power to meet the objectives and needs that arise and show facts”. And he concluded: “We are convinced that among the three provinces we can often achieve what one province could not do on its own.”

After the opening words, we moved on to work in commissions in which two main axes were discussed: Medicines and Health Technology, where the state of the situation and relationship with the Nation of each of the jurisdictions was raised; and Common Health Policies, with a focus on decentralization, team training and mental health.

Finally, after the work in commissions and with the presence of the governor of Santa Fe, Maximiliano Pullaro, the authorities signed the minutes of formation of the Permanent Health Board of the Central Region.

Visit to the Regional Hemotherapy Center

In addition, just hours before World Blood Donor Day is commemorated (celebrated every June 14), the ministers visited the Regional Hemotherapy Center where blood donations from Rosario and the entire south of the province of Santa Fe. There the authorities learned about the operation of this model institution, which has advanced technology, to evaluate the feasibility of replicating the experience in other jurisdictions.

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