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The provincial government could discount the strike day due to the Bases Law

He recognized that “the right to strike is a right that organizations have and workers exercise it according to their own criteria, but the State has managed this rule of political definition and we have sustained it and apply it.”

“In principle, unemployment days are not paid,” said Minister Tobares. “The strike is a measure that is taken in response to a decision that does not depend on the provincial government.. We can share the concern or the political perspective that each one may have on the subject, but ultimately This measure affects the rights of many other people, for example, in areas of health, land or tourism that were not attended to that day.“.

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Claudio Espinoza

Last Wednesday, unions such as ATE, ATEN and UPCN, among others, mobilized through the central streets of Neuquén capital to express their rejection of the Bases Law project, which was approved in the Senate of the Nation.

Marcelo Guagliardo, general secretary of ATEN, had advanced that the strike called for 24 hours was to decorate “no to this package of laws because it represents damage to the retirement order, in terms of educational investment, in the issues of the government plan , which have consequences on the working class in particular with the proposals of labor reform.”

Knowing the radio statements of Minister Tobares, the leader of ATE Neuquén, Carlos Quintriqueostated that “if they touch us one day, we will stop the entire province until they are reinstated.”

Province advanced the payment of the half bonus to the state in Neuquén

The Neuquén Government was ahead of the scheduled date and has already deposited the half bonus or complementary annual salary (SAC), in the accounts that the active and passive workers of the provincial public administration have in the Banco de la Provincia del Neuquen (BPN). She did it at the beginning of the long weekend, which includes Father’s Day.

As reported from Government House, the governor’s decision Rolando Figueroa It was possible through austere administration, the elimination of unnecessary expenses in the State and balance in the accounts. The payment of the half bonus had been announced for Tuesday, June 18, but was brought forward. And it was carried out with the province’s own funds, after 13 years of this not happening.

Last week, during a meeting with journalists, Figueroa had announced the payment date. “We have consolidated our economic scheme. Above all, in this financial demonstration that we are making, if there is debt taking it is for works, not to cover current expenses,” the governor highlighted.

He highlighted the “solidity and good administration.” In its first year of management, the Province did not resort to debt to pay the bonuses.

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