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CNE opens preliminary investigation into the mayor of Cúcuta for campaign financing: he would have received 518 million pesos

Mayor Jorge Acevedo currently has several challenges in his administration and the financing of his campaign – credit Mayor’s Office of Cúcuta

The National Electoral Council (CNE) announced the opening of a preliminary investigation against the mayor of Cúcuta, Jorge Acevedo, due to alleged irregularities in the financing of his 2023 electoral campaign, under the initiative All for Cúcuta. The investigation was announced on June 14, indicating that Acevedo could have exceeded the limits allowed for private contributions and donations.

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The focus of the investigation is the presentation of income and expense reports of the campaign, where Ledys Susana Sánchez Díaz, campaign manager, together with Paola del Pilar Colmenares Barreto, Cipriano Alfredo Peñaloza Peña and Javier Mauricio Peñeros Peñaloza, members of the committee of the Significant Group of Citizens All for Cúcutaare also under review. The CNE detected that Jorge Acevedo would have received 518 million pesos, exceeding the allowed percentage of 10% of contributions and donations from private parties.

The basis for the preliminary investigation lies in a complaint filed by Yoad Ernesto Pérez Becerra, who maintains that the amount allowed for private contributions and donations should not exceed $246,593,134 Colombian pesos. According to the CNE document, Acevedo and his team exceeded this limit, which is a clear violation of the regulations established for electoral campaigns. “Exceeding the maximum percentage allowed in private contributions calls into question the transparency of Acevedo’s campaign,” the report indicates.

In the request made by Pérez it can be read that: “I respectfully request and as soon as possible, the administrative action referred to in numeral 2 of article 26 of Law 1475, in such a way that it is declared that the then candidate and, Today, Mayor of Cúcuta, JORGE ENRIQUE ACEVEDO PEÑALOZA, exceeded the maximum percentage (10%) of contributions and donations regulated (…) individual report of income and expenses presented definitively on December 29, 2023, by the Significant Group of ALL PORCÚCUTA citizens, it is formally accredited that the then candidate received the sum FIVE HUNDRED AND EIGHTEEN MILLION FOUR HUNDRED AND SIXTY-FOUR THOUSAND PESOS M/CTE ($518,464,000).”

The CNE has summoned the president and those involved in the campaign team to offer their free version of the alleged events. It is expected that during these appearances the accusations regarding the financing of the campaign will be clarified, as well as any other irregularities that may have arisen in the management of resources.

With the above, in the CNE decision it can be read that the entity decided to open “preliminary investigation against citizen JORGE ENRIQUE ACEVEDO PEÑALOZA, in his capacity as candidate for MAYOR of the municipality of CÚCUTA – NORTE DE SANTANDER.”

In the midst of the situation, it is important to highlight that the current regulations seek to guarantee equitable conditions and transparency in electoral processes. The limits imposed on private donations are intended to prevent candidates from receiving excessive funds that give them undue advantages over their competitors.

During preliminary investigations, the documents presented by the campaign must be exhaustively analyzed and the amounts of contributions received must be verified to determine if the regulations were actually breached.

The next steps in the investigation include collecting testimony, reviewing financial documentation and conducting audits if necessary. The CNE announced that it will be responsible for notifying citizens about the progress of the investigation, ensuring that the process is transparent for all those involved and for citizens in general.

The CNE will preliminarily investigate Acevedo and his work team – CNE credit

Jorge Acevedo has faced some financial problems and controversies during his term. In fact, he is accused of not complying with the payment of a debt of nearly one billion pesos that would have been allocated to his electoral campaign. The plaintiff alleges that the money was given to the mayor in September 2023, but was not paid as agreed.

In addition, Acevedo is currently under disciplinary investigation for alleged irregularities in the execution of an agreement to build a club for vulnerable seniors and his management is facing a worrying wave of murders in the city, which has generated fear among citizens and merchants. . Insecurity is one of the challenges that must be addressed in its administration.

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