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The parishioners woke up early to give blood

The start of the blood collection started at 8:30 as scheduled. And punctually at that time the first donor entered, before participating in the mass. This happened yesterday in the Cathedral Church, where, for the first time, the Provincial Institute of Hemotherapy (Iphem) carried out a collection campaign. This activity was within the framework of the Novena in honor of Saint John the Baptist, which already began with solidarity as the main axis.

Liliana Valenzuela was one of the first to arrive at the Cathedral to donate blood. She got up at 5 to get the housework done and be able to attend the first morning mass, before the donation. She said it was worth the effort. “I found out about the blood collection from Father Andrés Riveros and Monsignor Lozano who spoke about the Iphem campaign. And I wanted to participate because it is a way to collaborate with those who are not having a good time,” said the 53-year-old woman.

As time went by, donors continued to arrive and were happy with the new news. Andrés Riveros, priest of the Cathedral, present during the activity, said that from now on the blood collection will be carried out every year, within the framework of the Novena of Saint John the Baptist, as an offering.

For her part, Vanina Cirelli, Iphem specialist, said that the Institute goes out more and more to different places to encourage blood donation and, thus, avoid shortages. “Iphem has enough blood stock to supply the hospitals, but it must be resupplied,” said the doctor.


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