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The Southern New Year celebration arrives at the Independencia Theater: Government of Mendoza Press

Weaving identities is the name of the show that will be presented on Saturday, June 22 and Sunday, June 23, at 9:30 p.m., in the main hall of Mendoza.

On Saturday, June 22 and Sunday, June 23, at 9:30 p.m., at the Teatro Independencia (Chile and Espejo, City of Mendoza) the Southern New Year celebration will take place, with a show titled Weaving identities. General admission is $3,000 and can be obtained in advance at

The celebration of the winter solstice as the beginning of a new annual cycle has been carried out since ancient times and until today by the indigenous peoples, Inti Raymi, of the Inca culture; Wetripantru, from the Mapuche culture among others.

It is at this moment, when life on Earth begins and germinates, we must be grateful and celebrate.

The Southern New Year is the beginning of a new path that we will travel throughout the year and that is represented in the Chakana, an Andean cross, which marks the divisions of this cycle: solstices, equinoxes, Day of the Dead, Carnival, Day of Pachamama and Day of the Cross.

That is why the show, which is now in its XXII edition in Mendoza, is an invitation to experience communication with nature and harmonize with the place and time in which we live through the artistic experience.

The show is the continuity of an original idea by the remembered musician Valdo Delgado.

Throughout these years, art personalities such as Liliana Bodoc, Luisa Calcumil, Máximo Arias, Gladys Ravalle, Mariú Carrera, Marcelino Azaguate, Daniel Ciancio, Fausto Marañón, Osvaldo Chiavazza, Hernán Paz, Ulises Naranjo, Laura Morales, Natacha Gabrielli have participated , María Godoy, Fabián Castellani, Martín Montero, Alejandro Rotta, Miles of Years, Chakana, Eduardo Pinto Ensemble, Öesch-Alcaraz-Melchiori, Sandra Amaya, Analía Garceti, Alejandra Bermejillo, Mariana Matta, Camino al Pachacuti, Candombe Comparsas and Bands by Sikuris de Mendoza, among others.

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