64 same-sex couples from Potosi have combined their Infonavit credits since 2020 – El Sol de San Luis

64 same-sex couples from Potosi have combined their Infonavit credits since 2020 – El Sol de San Luis
64 same-sex couples from Potosi have combined their Infonavit credits since 2020 – El Sol de San Luis

Since the launch of Let’s join credits In 2020, until the closing of May 31 of this year, 2,321 same-sex couples have purchased their home through the National Workers’ Housing Fund Institute (Infonavit), In San Luis Potosí 64 couples have accessed this type of financing.

At the national level, Infonavit has granted 4,642 loans to people from the LGBTIQ+ communitywho, without needing to be married, pooled their financing to acquire a home of greater value and better location, through the “Let’s Join Credits” scheme.

In this 2024the people who decide merge your credits To acquire a home, they will be able to obtain joint financing of up to 4 million 889 thousand 402 pesoswith a interest rate ranging from 3.76% to 10.45%depending on the income level of the accredited persons.

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The states with the largest number of loans contracted between same-sex couples are Baja California, Jalisco, Nuevo León, México, Chihuahua, Guanajuato and Quintana Roo, while in San Luis Potosi 64 couples have accessed this financing, which has meant a economic benefit of 57.6 million pesos in the state.

In this regard, and after the incident that occurred at the beginning of the month at the central offices of the Institute where the union leadership tore down and removed the gay flag, the regional delegate of Infonavit, Mario Rojas Hernandezpointed out that this was not an issue for the workers but for the union, and stressed that the placement of the banners is done as a way of participating in the construction of a better society, “We are socially responsible and participative“Therefore, campaigns against violence towards women and breast cancer, among others, are also supported.

It should be noted that “Let’s Join Credits” is not only aimed at same-sex couplesbecause through this financing scheme A person can pool their credit with their father, their mother, one of their siblings, a friend, or their partner., without the need for them to be married. So since the launch of this program, until the end of May 2024, a total of 228,926 people have joined their financing.

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