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Democratic Center requested to sanction Gustavo Bolívar

The complaint was made to the Attorney General’s Office for messages against former President Álvaro Uribe Vélez.

The Democratic Center political party filed a disciplinary complaint with the Attorney General’s Office against Gustavo Bolívar, director of the Administrative Department for Social Prosperity (DPS).

The request was made after detecting that he has repeatedly used his networks as a public official to publish political messages against the Democratic Center and its sole boss, Álvaro Uribe Vélez.

“The trills spread on social network

That political party assured that it is important that the official be sanctioned, since according to the Colombian legal system, public officials are expressly prohibited from participating in politics.

“The above, taking into account that recently, using his social networks, specifically Founding President Dr. Álvaro Uribe Vélez,” the document states.

In the statement, the community added that the director of the DPS, Gustavo Bolívar, has also sown hatred and has harassed “the most recognized people in the opposition, with the aim of increasing the current polarization that the country suffers,” he noted in the document. the national director of the Democratic Center party.

That political party asked the Attorney General’s Office to sanction the Director of the DPS, Gustavo Bolívar Moreno, with the appropriate actions. For now, there is no response from the official.

id: 30


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