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support for Mondino and criticism of Russia

Javier Milei will travel to the city of Rosario to be present next Thursday at the celebrations for the Flag Day, as confirmed by spokesperson Manuel Adorni on one of his social networks. “On June 20, the President of the Nation, Javier Milei, will travel to Rosario to commemorate Flag Day,” was the brief message that Adorni posted on his WhatsApp channel. Furthermore, the president put an end to rumors of the possible separation of Foreign Minister Diana Mondino and published a message from a user of the social network X, where he demonstrates his agreement with the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Worship.

The formal invitation for Milei to participate in the official event for Flag Day in Rosario had already been sent through the protocol channels, but the municipality had not yet received confirmation that the president would attend the event.

As reported by La Capital, the Secretary of Government of the Municipality, Sebastián Chale said: “This must be confirmed by the Military House and the Protocol of the Presidency of the Nation. “As every year, all the national authorities were invited.”

Meanwhile, it was indicated that entities and associations of Rosario They summoned Milei, the mayor, Pablo Javkin, and the governor, Maximiliano Pullaro to participate in the Monument of the 204th anniversary of the passage to immortality of General Manuel Belgrano.

“Let’s celebrate the man, the hero and our national flag, a symbol of union and identity”They indicated in a statement from Valor Rosario, Rosario Regional Forum, Rosario Rural Society, Rosarina Association of Amateur Sports Entities (Areda), Apertura Foundation, Pro Rosario Association and National SME Movement (Monapy).

Javier Milei puts an end to the rumors about Mondino’s separation and reiterates his support for the chancellor

Milei put an end to rumors of the possible separation of Foreign Minister Diana Mondino and published a message from a user of the social network X, where he demonstrates his agreement with the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Worship.

The publication belongs to the account @laladymondino which is “dedicated to the best Chancellor in Argentine history” and that Milei decided to re-post on her personal account.

“’The tour without a chancellor’ said the envelopes. J.“Avier Milei giving the speech in Switzerland with Diana Mondino and Karina Milei is all that is good,” the message stated.

In this way, the President He discarded the versions about a supposed replacement for Mondino, and his discontent with her, after the unfortunate statements on his trip to China and his lack of action regarding the relations that should be established with the president of Colombia, Gustavo Petro; her Mexican counterpart, Andrés Manuel López Obrador; the Spanish president Pedro Sánchez and with the Brazilian Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva.

During the weekend, Milei participated together with Mondino and the Minister of Defense, Luis Petri, in the inauguration of the “summit for peace in Ukraine”and in a previous meeting with his Ukrainian counterpart Volodymyr Zelensky.

Subsequently, the President returned to Buenos Aires since he has two more visits to make during the next week: He will first go to Spain and then travel to Germany.

For their part, Mondino and Minister Petri remained in the Swiss town of Bürgenstock, representing Javier Milei on a day of “peace” in Ukraine.

This Monday, the chancellor travels to New York to give a speech before the United Nations Decolonization Committee, where the resolution that seeks a peaceful dialogue between Argentina and the United Kingdom for the sovereignty of the Malvinas Islands will be discussed again.

“Hostile act”, the Russian Government’s criticism of Milei for his approach to Zelensky

He The Russian government questioned the close ties that President Javier Milei maintains with his Ukrainian counterpart, Volodimir Zelenski, and warned about the possible shipment of weapons to Ukraine, which he described as a “hostile act.”

Through the ambassador in Buenos Aires, Dmitry Feoktistov, Vladimir Putin warned that his administration feels “deep disappointment” with the relations of the libertarian.

«The information about the possible shipment of Argentine tanks through Germany, similar to the aircraft agreement with France, are also worrying. We have clearly and firmly communicated to Argentina that such actions will be considered hostile actions against Russia«the diplomat highlighted before Russian media, according to the Chinese agency Xinhua.

In the same line, He assured that he hopes that Milei’s management will refrain from interfering in the war open between Ukraine and Russia, and continue along the paths of neutrality to “preserve the friendly nature of Russian-Argentine relations, which have historically been immune to political tendencies.”

For his part, Feoktistov echoed the Government’s request to join NATO and rejected the participation of the Minister of Defense, Luis Petri, in the meeting of the Contact Group for the Defense of Ukraine in Brusselsknown as the “Ramstein format.”

«Regarding the participation of the Argentine Minister of Defense, Luis Petri, in the Brussels meeting, within the framework of the Ramstein coalition, there are still no official comments from the Argentine side. The true fact of the rapprochement between Buenos Aires and the military patrons of Ukraine causes us deep disappointment,” declared the diplomat.

Likewise, he pointed out: “In April, Argentina requested the status of global partner of the alliance. “Frankly, we do not understand how granting this status can improve Argentina’s security.”

The statements of the representative of the Russian government refer to Milei’s activities in recent days after his bilateral meeting in Switzerland with Zelensky, who presented him with the Order of Freedom in a bilateral meeting, and his presence at the Global Summit for Peace.

«I want to express, on behalf of the Argentine people, our maximum support for the people of Ukraine, and to our friend Volodomir Zelensky, since as defenders of the idea of ​​freedom we repudiate any form of violence,” the libertarian president knew how to declare.

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