Milei celebrates the coming disaster | The collaborationist opposition joined the celebrations

Milei celebrates the coming disaster | The collaborationist opposition joined the celebrations
Milei celebrates the coming disaster | The collaborationist opposition joined the celebrations

President Javier Milei celebrated the sanction of the Bases law and the fiscal package, true to his style of magnifying his own achievements: “it is a historic and monumental milestone for history,” he said and added: “It is five times larger than (Carlos) Menem’s reform, if we add to that that the DNI is in force, it means that Argentina has 800 economic deregulation provisions.” The ruling party fully joined in the celebration, as did its most loyal partners from the PRO, with Mauricio Macri at the head: “Fundamental changes that we promote, support and in which we believe can already be carried out,” said the former president. The provincial leaders who unify under the seal of a political alliance that no longer exists, Macristas and Radicals, were also not missing from the celebration: “The 10 Governors of Together for Change have worked hard together with our blocs for the sanction of the Bases Law that the government requested from the National Congress,” they expressed through a statement.

Exultant, Milei not only celebrated the sanction of the two laws but announced that he will go for more. He announced that next week he will formalize the appointment of the presidential advisor Federico Sturzenegger to the Cabinet and promised that they will present the “Law of Hojarascas” to advance even further in the deregulation of the economic system.

Despite the sanction of the laws, the President once again attacked the deputies whom he once again described as “fiscal degenerates”, and launched a surprising criticism against his own: “There are some who conflate being libertarian with libertarians. I discovered that there are many more libertarians than libertarians,” said Milei.

In Congress, the libertarian troops were celebrating as well. “After many months we have the Ley Bases,” celebrated through X the vice president and president of the Senate, Victoria Villarruel, who followed the vote on the laws from the lower house’s boxes on Thursday. Villarruel, on the other hand, highlighted the work of her own and collaborators, to achieve this objective: “with only 7 senators and 38 deputies we managed, together with allied spaces, to enact a law that demanded 6 months of legislative work.” She congratulated “the senators, deputies, Martín Menem, Guillermo Francos, José Rolandi’s team and the staff of our House who have worked silently and efficiently so that each instance reaches this success and our government headed by President Milei has this very important tool.”

“We did it! We have the final sanction of the Base Law! The first major reform of President Milei’s mandate. Let’s go for more! Thus, step by step and law by law, we are going to build a freer and more developed country,” the deputy Gabriel Bornoroni, who took over as head of the libertarian bloc, published on social networks, after the displacement of Oscar Zago after the failure of the omnibus law in Parliament.

Collaborationist celebration

“Despite having lost almost six months in dispute that could have been avoided or accelerated, the Ley Bases was finally sanctioned. I congratulate the PRO blocs for their impeccable work. Fundamental changes that we promoted, supported and believe in can now be carried out. The national government now has the tools to advance at the speed that the situation requires,” Mauricio Macri posted on X.

The governors of the now defunct JpC joined together in the celebration. “We believe that it is a useful instrument to be able to comply with the change that the majority of Argentines voted for. As the National Government itself said, they now have the tools to begin a new stage that must be one of growth, investment and employment. There are millions of Argentines who support this, with extreme effort, and they need these changes to begin to be noticed in their daily lives and their economic well-being. That is the great challenge of the National Government from now on,” says the statement signed by the Macrists Jorge Macri (CABA), Ignacio Torres (Chubut), Rogelio Frigerio (Entre Ríos) and Claudio Poggi (San Luis), and the radicals Leandro Zdero (Chaco), Gustavo Valdés (Corrientes), Carlos Sadir (Jujuy), Alfredo Cornejo (Mendoza), Manuel Orrego (San Juan) and Maximiliano Pullaro (Santa Fe).

Likewise, Buenos Aires native Jorge Macri made his own post on X: “I celebrate that, finally, the Ley Bases has been approved. From the first moment, our conviction was to support the change that Argentines voted for. For this reason, we committed ourselves and helped a lot so that the Government has this tool.”

“We do it for Argentina because we work for a free country and we want private activity to be encouraged,” the head of the PRO deputies block, Cristian Ritondo, had said in the venue to justify his alignment with the Casa Rosada.

The ultra-collaborationist radical Rodrigo De Loredo uploaded to his social network the speech he gave at midnight on Wednesday in the lower house. “Our bloc will support these texts by a very large majority. The version of the Bases law that comes from the Senate and will insist by a large majority on the version that this chamber approved of the fiscal package,” said the radical from Córdoba in the chamber and in tune with the libertarian proposal. Although the clip of the video did not include when he said that it was not an obsequious position and that “we do not want to be part of the government (of Milei)”, which unleashed laughter in the chamber and made the head of the UCR bloc uncomfortable.

Her fellow Mendoza member Pamela Verasay had fewer problems expressing her position in favor of the national government laws that are applied with the same preaching in her province: “We support the new direction that the Argentines have chosen, with measures to guarantee the fiscal order that we have implemented in my province, Mendoza, for more than 8 uninterrupted years,” she said.

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