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Young people who want to travel at a discount this summer can register today

Monday, June 17, 2024, 12:51

The Ministry of Transport and Sustainable Mobility has announced that starting this Monday, June 17, young people will be able to register on the Ministry’s website to obtain the code that they must use to buy tickets with discounts of up to 90%. , as part of the Summer Young Program, which will start on July 1 and will last until September 30.

The Ministry detailed this weekend in a statement that registration must be carried out at least 24 hours before purchasing the first ticket and the titles can be purchased as soon as the companies complete the necessary technological changes that allow the use of the code.

In a more technical section, young people will be able to register through qualified electronic certificates, such as the Cl@ve system, or by entering the name and surname (as stated in the DNI or NIE), the date of birth and the number of the DNI, together with the date of validity, or the NIE, together with the support number of the EU Citizen Registry or the Foreigner Identity Card (TIE) as appropriate, as well as the nationality and municipality of residence.

The code, valid for the entire period and all means of transport included in the program, will be composed of the DNI or NIE number and a set of characters, while it will be sent to the mobile phone or email provided by the users. .

Likewise, the Ministry has warned that the fraudulent use of the discount code, which is personal and non-transferable, entails a sanctioning regime: fines of up to 750 euros may be imposed in the case of rail transport and up to 200 euros in the case of bus transport. if the beneficiary of the code does not correspond to the traveler, while the code may be withdrawn from those users who accumulate more than six improper uses.


The Summer Youth Program, funded by the Government with a total of 130 million euros, will allow people between 18 and 30 years old to travel by train, bus and Interrail throughout Spain and Europe with discounts that reach up to 90% on some transport , according to the Royal Decree Law published on June 5 in the Official State Gazette (BOE).

All young people born between January 1, 1994 and December 31, 2006 and who have Spanish or foreign nationality with legal residence in Spain will be able to benefit from these discounts.

The discounts will be applied to the price of tickets with a travel date between July 1, 2024 and September 30, 2024 and the sale of tickets will begin no later than July 1, although operators could Start your sale later if you have technical problems. In any case, the discount will not be allowed retroactively.

The budget for the plan will be about 130 million euros: 55 million of them will go to the bus and 75 million to the railway.

The discounts will range from 90% for conventional medium-distance services and for regular bus trips under state jurisdiction, to 50% for single Avant tickets and for high-speed buses with a maximum of 30 euros per ticket, as well as a 50% discount on the Global Flexible Interrail of 10 days in 2 months, when marketed through Renfe.


The objective of the Young Summer Program is to promote among young people the use of a safer, more reliable, comfortable, economical and sustainable means of transport than the private vehicle for summer leisure trips, as well as to contribute to enhancing their learning and independence and strengthening personal relationships and European feeling.

«We are convinced that the Young Summer 2024 will exceed last year’s figures and will contribute to expanding the knowledge that our young people have of their country, at the same time enhancing their autonomy and personal relationships. Traveling is probably one of the contributions that can most enrich a person who is training,” said the Minister of Transport, Óscar Puente, last week at the press conference after the Council of Ministers.

Puente reiterated that youth is “one of the priorities of this Government as has been demonstrated in many of the policies that have been implemented by the central Executive.” The minister also indicated that the processing of this instrument will be done through the Royal Decree Law mechanism, so political groups will be able to ratify it when it passes its parliamentary processing.

The Royal Decree Law contemplates financing discounts on Medium Distance railway services under the jurisdiction of the Generalitat of Catalonia if requested from the autonomous community within a period of ten days from the entry into force of the Royal Decree Law. The forecast is that it will be extended to other medium distance services provided by Renfe under agreements or contracts with other autonomous communities.


The Verano Joven program closed its first edition with great success by enabling more than 1.13 million young people between 18 and 30 years old to discover Spain in the summer. In total, four million trips were recorded between June 15 and September 15, of which 60% were made by rail and the rest by road.

As explained by the minister, 69% of single travelers used the train to move around Spain, and 51% did so by road. In addition, 16,134 Interrail passes were registered to travel throughout Europe only for young people, which means almost reaching the 17,600 passes that were sold in total in Spain in 2022, both through Renfe and the website, and without distinction. old.

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