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Antonio Monasterio Ensamble: winners of the Pulsar Prize in Jazz Fusion perform at the Valparaíso Cultural Park

The tenth edition of the Pulsar Awards, organized by the Chilean Society of Musical Authors and Performers (SCD), crowned the best national musicians, awarding in the category Best Jazz Fusion Artist, Antonio Monasterio Ensemblea group that will perform at the Valparaíso-Ex Cárcel Cultural Park on June 22, a theater that continues with a large billboard.

The concert, the first after the Pulsar awards, will include “The Furies of the Sea and the Sea” and “Center and Periphery”, among other songs and will have as guests Tomás Carrasco (Kaval Bulgaro, Ney Turco and Saxo Soprano) and Moa Edmunds (Guitar), two musicians who were part of the founding stage of the project, who participated in the first album and who for This presentation will join the current ensemble.

Sextet born in 2016 in Valparaíso, Antonio Monasterio Ensamble, stands out for the mix of instruments such as the oud (Arabic lute), the electric guitar, piano, bass, drums and the lugelhorn (flugelhorn). Born in Valparaíso, in 2016, he has managed to approach world music and jazz, from timbres, form and rhythm, a substantial part of this exploration.

With the recent award, Antonio Monasterio Ensamble consecrates a career backed by its musical virtuosity, a constant growth in its audience, both in person and digitally, and extensive tours that have taken them to stages in Chile, Latin America and Asia. On this occasion, they will be able to celebrate in Valparaíso the award that leaves them in a place of relevance in the field of Jazz Fusion.

The album “Las Furias y el Mar” (Mescalina), produced by Matías Saldías and released in July of last year, it is the group’s second full-length and is built by seven sound poems, with a renewed musical vision, changes of instruments and a greater exploration in rhythms with respect to the previous work, “Centro y Periferia” (Mescaline, 2018).

The long-duration concert, which will be held at PCdV, includes, in addition to the great musical value, an impressive visual spectacle, with integration of visuals and lighting designed to complement and enhance the listening experience. Saturday, June 22 at 7:00 p.m. at the Theater of the Cultural Park of Valparaíso – Ex Cárcel. Access will be on a first-come, first-served basis..

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