making this movie is being hell for Marvel

Film’s star Mahershala Ali is ‘increasingly frustrated’ by Blade delays

The new movie Blade in Marvel Studios seems to be trapped in an endless cycle of setbacks, with the loss of its second director and the constant departure of cast members. However, despite these challenges, the project moves forward. Marvel Studios has not canceled the long-awaited movieand according to recent information, is still optimistically scheduled for release in 2025.

Mahershala Ali’s frustration

The current state of the Blade movie may be a consequence of the Marvel Studios problems in recent years, accentuated by strikes and an ever-changing study strategy. The famous leading actor Mahershala Aliwho was introduced as a lead actor in 2019, expressed growing frustration due to the numerous delays and changes of address. According to an interesting and complete article by The Hollywood Reporter, Ali has shown unusual influence over the project, a rare situation in Marvel productions. From the beginning, Ali has been a central figure, even actively participating in the selection of directors and scriptwriters.

Mahershala Ali during his official presentation as Blade in 2019

The relationship between Mahershala Ali and the Blade project is being complicated to say the least. Ali, who won an Oscar for his performance in Green Book, was the one who initially approached Marvel with the idea of ​​a new Blade movie. Since then, he has been deeply involved in the development of the project, even selecting Yann Demange as director after the departure of Bassam Tariq in September 2022. Despite these efforts, Demange also left the project in recent weeks, leaving Blade without a director again.

Ali has not hidden his discontent with the situation. According to THR, Ali would be very disappointed by the lack of progress. His attorney, Shelby Weiser, mentioned that since Ali joined the project in 2019, filming hasn’t started yet, describing the situation as one of the strangest of his professional career. Besides, Ali had imagined this film as his own Black Panthera project of great cultural and personal significance.

Leaked draft scripts

The problems with the script have been another significant obstacle in production by Blade. Since its announcement in 2019, several screenwriters have come to the project, including Stacy Osei-Kuffour, Beau DeMayo, Nic Pizzolatto, Michael Starrbury, Michael Green and most recently, Eric Pearson. Each of these writers has tried to bring the story to fruition, but the project remains a ship adrift.

Leaked early drafts of the script have revealed significant changes to the film’s plot and focus. In a preliminary version, the story was set in the 1920s and featured Mia Goth as Lilith, a vampiric villainess who sought the blood of Blade’s daughter. However, with each change of director and writer, the story has been revised and modified. The current version of the script, written by Pearson, is set in the present, but it’s still unclear if Goth will continue playing Lilith.

Bloodline, daughter of Blade, in Marvel comics

Mia Goth’s participation has been one of the few constant points in production by Blade. Goth was initially cast as Lilith, an intriguing character with a rich history in Marvel comics. Lilith, known as Dracula’s daughter and the “Mother of Demons”. In the initial versions of the script, Lilith sought lin the blood of Blade’s daughtera young character who has been the subject of theories by fans and who in recent years has been acquiring increasing importance in Marvel comics. This plot element suggests a familiar dynamic for the character, something that could add new depth to Blade’s story. However, with continuing changes in creative direction, it is unclear whether this story line will be maintained in the final version of the film.

An uncertain premiere

Despite numerous setbacks, Marvel Studios has yet to cancel or delay the project’s release. Kevin Feige, the president of Marvel Studios, has a special attachment to the character, citing the original 1998 film starring Wesley Snipes as a key inspiration for the studio’s focus on lesser-known characters. Feige has stated on several occasions that the important thing is not how well-known a character is, but how interesting the film itself can be.

The current plan is that The script will be completed during the summer of 2024., followed by the search for a new director. The reality is that it seems unlikely that Blade will ever be released in November 2025. However, Marvel Studios is moving forward, hoping that the film will finally hit theaters as soon as possible.

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