“No Riley, wait until you don’t have IMSS”: Mexicans warn the character of Intensely 2 about ‘true’ anxiety | MEMES

“No Riley, wait until you don’t have IMSS”: Mexicans warn the character of Intensely 2 about ‘true’ anxiety | MEMES
“No Riley, wait until you don’t have IMSS”: Mexicans warn the character of Intensely 2 about ‘true’ anxiety | MEMES

Inside Out 2 continues to be a trend several days after its release and, now, Mexicans have made all kinds of memes to warn Riley all the anxiety that awaits her when she is an adult.

And part of the plot of the film revolves around the moment when the protagonist enters the stage of adolescence and with it come new emotions such as Anxiety, Grief, Boredom and Envy.

In this sense, these new feelings are complicated for the young woman and also for Joy, Sadness, Displeasure, Fear and Anger, which are the others that were already present since Riley’s childhood.

Anxiety, voiced by Maya Hawke, is not the kind of Emotion that stays in the background. (Credits: Disney)

One of the successes that has been pointed out by mental health experts, by neurodivergent people and users on social networks, lies in the precision with which the feature film managed to portray scenarios such as a panic attack.

After the most critical moment, Riley suffers one of these episodes for the first time. The Mexicans did not hesitate to take up the scene and make some jokes derived from situations in adult life that are extremely stressful.

Under the phrase “No Riley and wait…”, Internet users posed an endless number of situations that turned out to be sadly funny.

Some mentioned: “No Riley and wait until you don’t have IMSS“, and others added: “No Riley, wait until you discover that 8 hours of your day are worth a roast chicken.”

There were also some jokes regarding university days and certain particular moments that occur during that period of life.

As expected, Ticketmaster – a ticket company that is constantly trending – was also highlighted:

“No, Riley.wait until you have to wait in a virtual line at Ticketmaster.”

Love relationships were also among the jokes and moments of tension such as a breakup with a partner or infidelity also appeared.

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