What do we know about the spin-off of ‘The Batman’ in Max

If something surprised in The Batman (2022) by Matt Reeves, was to show everything the Caped Crusader universe could be. Especially when analyzing his environment and the character’s own life, from a more elaborate, complex and violent point of view. The result was a film that surpassed several of its predecessors in tone. Also, he carefully explored the most twisted and grotesque places in the world that surrounds the antihero. Which includes Gotham’s dark criminal underworld.

Something that brought one of the iconic villains of the original comic to the movies — for the second time. This is The Penguin, played this time by Colin Farrell. Far from the cartoonish and gothic tone that Tim Burton gave him at the time, Reeves’ version is much closer to the source material.

Namely: that of a lowlife criminal, obsessed with achieving power at any price. In his 2022 version, the sinister figure surprised by becoming a careful criminal, willing to do anything to stay afloat in the dark world outside the city’s law.

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The director’s approach was so complex that the Max platform immediately began producing a series that explores the character and his context. Which, in addition, has the advantage that by not belonging to the central trunk of DC, it allows its director to exploit, in a harsher and more twisted way, the villain. Which makes the upcoming production, to premiere in September of this year, an open door to analyze Batman and his world, from a completely new point.

A figure with his own story

In the 2022 film, Colin Farrell’s character has a rather anecdotal participation. As part of the criminal underworld headed by Carmine Falcone (John Turturro), his role in the film is more akin to a second-in-command than a central character. But one thing is clear, this twisted and manipulative man, He is eager to take Falcone’s place after his death.

Which allows Matt Reeves and his team to delve into the universe of Gotham’s criminal underworld from a sinister point of view. Directly connected to what was told in The Batman, the director will use the criminal to explore Gotham in a new dimension. That is: through its criminals, their worst acts and the notion that the city is always one step away from disaster. A theme that Reeves will try to explore both in the series and in the upcoming sequel to the film.

In fact, the director will be a producer of the series, with Dylan Clark. Which ensures that a good part of the plot – as well as the tone – will be very similar to those of Batman. On the other hand, Lauren LeFranc will be the showrunner, whose work was popularized thanks to Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.. And although there is still no complete list of the directors who will participate in the story, It has already been confirmed that Craig Zobel (Mare of Easttown) will be responsible for the first two episodes.

A date for a highly anticipated series

With two trailers published and a specific release date for September, it is already obvious that Max is preparing to turn Penguin in one of its great series of the year. In fact, the CEO of HBO & MaxCasey Bloys, assured that the series, It would be the next big production, after the launch of The Dragon House.

Which suggests considerable confidence in the history and popularity that the proposal may obtain. Not only among fans of Batmanbut for those who want to enjoy a series neo noir with all the elements to become a success. Much more, when you connect directly with a greater universe like the one you Reeves is creating for Batman and the characters related to his story.

The faces behind the story

Although the entire cast of the series has not been specified, there are some confirmed names. Among them, several that give a glimpse of where the plot is headed and what it will tell on the small screen. For now, Colin Farrell will reprise his role as Oswald Cobblepot / The Penguin. He is accompanied by Cristina Millioti as Sofía Falcone, Rhenzy Feliz as Víctor Aguilar and Michael Zegen as Alberto Falcone.

All of the above suggests that Oswald will have to fight against the survivors of Carmine (killed in The Batman), to demonstrate his leadership in Gotham’s crime world. Also included in the distribution are Clancy Brown as Salvatore Maroni and Michael Kelly as Johnny Vitti.

What is ‘The Penguin’ about?

So far, nothing is clear, other than Farrell’s Penguin, he will have to face the Falcones – led by the late Carmine’s daughter, Sofia – to achieve power. That, while he tries to survive the gang war that devastated the city once his most feared leader died. So far, there aren’t many hints about the characters, but if you take into account their peers in the comic, It is evident that Sofia will be a character to fear in the plot.

And although Batman modified in part by Falcone, one thing is for sure. It is evident that the battle between the most terrible criminals will unleash an all-out war that will shake not only the city, but surely all the criminals from The Batman universe who reside in the city. All previous, in the middle of a semi-destroyed Gotham, after the events narrated in the film in 2022.

Will Batman be in the series?

For now, nothing is confirmed, although there are credible rumors that the character played by Robert Pattinson would have a brief appearance in one of the chapters. Of course, this is a considerable possibility, considering that Matt Reeves wants both productions to complete each other.

At the same time, both can have characters in common — beyond the obvious ones — and share scenarios. But even without direct confirmation, we can only wait to find out what could happen.

Is ‘The Penguin’ part of the DCU?

In the words of James Gunn, neither Batmanits sequel or Penguin, are part of the central line of the DC Cinematographic Universe. In fact, he shares, along with joker and its sequel, a section called Elseworlds. So not only do they not share a chronology, nor will the characters interact —or they exist in any case — in the same dimension.

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