Natalie Portman remembers the criticism that the cast of the Star Wars prequel trilogy received during the first years of its release

Natalie Portman remembers the criticism that the cast of the Star Wars prequel trilogy received during the first years of its release
Natalie Portman remembers the criticism that the cast of the Star Wars prequel trilogy received during the first years of its release

The Star Wars prequels have gone from hate to love in 20 years

It has been 25 years since Star Wars and the Phantom Menace was released, the first installment of the prequel trilogy that George Lucas directed at the beginning of the millennium, and although they have now become much-loved films, it is true that during In the first years of their release, fans were very critical of these films.

He talked about this Natalie Portman, Israeli-American actress who played Padmé Amidala in this trilogy. According to Portman in an interview with TotalFilm, the criticism that the cast received was quite harsh, although he acknowledges at the same time that, over time, this hatred turned into pure and simple love.

“I think obviously with the reaction they had when they came out, being as tough as they were… it was very hard. And, obviously, over time they have gained more appreciation, which has been very nice, always feeling the balm of time. But, yeah, I feel very grateful to have been a part of that at that time in my life.”

Portman, on the other hand, states that she feels extremely lucky to be part of this universe despite the initial criticism. Padmé Amidala has become one of the most important pieces of the Star Wars universe, since without her we would never have had Luke and Leia Skywalker.

Luckily, the franchise Star Wars survived this trilogy and, after several years of criticism, these films are currently receiving the love they deserve. Likewise, it’s time to look ahead and focus on the next projects in the franchise, such as the Rey Skywalker movie or the one starring El Manadoliarno.

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