“Inside Out 2”: details, curiosities and everything you need to know about the film

“Inside Out 2”: details, curiosities and everything you need to know about the film
“Inside Out 2”: details, curiosities and everything you need to know about the film


Inside Out 2 It arrived in theaters in our country on June 13. Fans showed great expectation and enthusiasm, especially after the publication of the trailer official of the film, which has a stellar cast which includes Amy Poehler and Phyllis Smith, along with new additions such as Tony Hale and Maya Hawke.

Joy and Anxiety, the two main emotions of Intensely 2disney

A highlight of this sequel is how Riley’s mind is shown transformed from the first film. The first trailerreleased on November 9, 2023, accumulated more than 157 million views in 24 hours, becoming one of Disney’s most successful releases.

New areas and characters represent the most important aspects of your teenage life, hoping to be more creative and imaginative, suggesting a renewed and more complex inner world.

The long-awaited sequel has arrived nine years after the first film released in 2015 and introduces us to a 13-year-old Riley. This new chapter in the protagonist’s life includes the introduction of new emotions: Anxiety, Envy, Nostalgia, Shame and Boredom. These emotions, although new to us, are present in the girl’s mind, but repressed until now.

In this new stage, the person experiences physical, social and emotional changes, which turns the mind into a battlefield where old and new emotions fight to control the balance.

One of the most interesting aspects of Inside Out 2 It is the redesign of emotions, especially in terms of textures and shapes. Kelsey Mann, the director, and Mark Nielsen, the producer, shared some insights exclusive insights into how this creative process was carried out.

Kelsey Mann revealed that the emotions in the first movie were designed from basic shapes thanks to the talent of Albert Lozano, character art director. For example, Joy has a star-like shape, symbolizing a great explosion of happiness, while Sadness has the shape of a tear.

Inside Out 2: the “old” emotions, on guard against the arrival of Anxiety and his friends disney

For the sequel, production designer Jason Deamer took these forms and expanded them, adding more details to enrich the visual vocabulary of emotions. A prominent example is the new emotion, Anxiety, which appears as an orange lightning bolt. This choice of shape and color seeks to effectively convey the feeling of… anxiety.

The design complexity It goes beyond the basic shapes. Anxiety He has prominent hair on the top of his head, and when this emotion intensifies, the lightning bolt design manifests in his hair, creating a dynamic and effective visual representation.

One of the most interesting aspects is the design of Anxiety. Unlike other emotions that have pupils of the same color that they represent, such as red of Fury or blue of Sadness, Anxiety’s pupils are green. But it is not just any green, but a green that is more similar to the feeling of Shame that to the Dislike.

Intensely 2 presents new characters typical of pre-adolescence disney

This detail is not trivial. Pixar was meticulous in how it represents emotions and the choice of the color green has deep meaning. Experiences of shame often are intertwined with the development of social anxiety, which gives meaning to this particularity of design.

Not only Riley, the protagonist, had new emotions in this sequel, but also his parents, who showed the emotion of Anxiety. This fact was widely commented on, since in the first film Riley’s parents did not seem to represent this emotion. The explanation comes from the age and emotional maturity of the adult characters.

In the last trailer It is revealed that, although the Anxiety is present in Riley’s father, he does not control the “operating table” due to his life experience and ability to handle it. This suggests that anxiety does not disappear with age, but rather it changes shape and is handled better with maturity.

Ansiedad, the most important character in Inside Out 2(Source: Disney)

The team worked hard to make Intensely 2, a movie that everyone can enjoy regardless of their age. “We are making a movie that everyone can go see, regardless of their age, whether you are a child, a parent or a grandparent. “I want everyone to be able to go to the movies and see something together,” Mann highlighted to The universal.

As you might expect, the sequel is full of emotions, both on screen and behind it. “It’s full of humor, full of adventure, it has its moments of danger, it has everything you look for in a movie and it has a lot of heart,” said Mark Nielsen. Additionally, the producer warns that viewers may want to bring a box of tissues. “There is a lot of emotion because you can’t make a film about emotions and not also have a lot of emotions,” he concluded.

El Universal (Mexico)

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