Column by Luis Noe Ochoa

Column by Luis Noe Ochoa
Column by Luis Noe Ochoa

Colombia is good, we have a great leader. We are one of the best on the continent, a country that others look at with respect. And one of the safest. He directs us, because we are all, a punctual, reliable man, who speaks clearly, who has chosen the best to accompany him in his task, regardless of ideologies.

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There are the best on the left, right and centre, talented people who shine in their positions. In the defence of our country we have a great commander and the support of General Ospina. And if there are going to be changes, which there must be, the new ones will respond to give the country reasons to be proud, including in order to have new figures and “spread the virus of life across the stars of the universe”.

And if there is criticism, it is welcome, without disqualifying journalism. Never. What respect for the press. We know that there are attacks, that there is opposition, that there have been reforms that may not be liked, but they are backed up by the results. And more and more our great leader, standing on the line, achieves the elusive unity and national identity, without polarizing, without a rearview mirror, but rather recognizing the work of his predecessor and adjusting where necessary.

He can be criticized for having removed some veterans who have already put in their important contribution to the service of the country, but the renewal has worked so that Colombia does not go to “get lost.”

This is our beloved national soccer team, led by Néstor Lorenzo. A selection that, under the gray panorama that exists in this country, is a source of joy and national convergence. She does. It is an oasis in the midst of that fierce violence that does not stop, of treacherous criminal gangs, who shoot at the bow, but superciliary; gangs that recruit children from the age of seven, not to give them a soccer ball, but to use them as war shields, and displace, confine and subjugate many families.

What good athletes do to the country. The National Team relieves us of the bitter pill of those who play dirty in the political arena, those who wear the shirt of corruption, those who betray something so vital in a team, in a society or in a government, such as trust.

Because there are many crises here. And one very serious one is the crisis of confidence. The Presidency itself seems like a reality show, a celebrity house, where some suspect others. The first lady is the first to say that there is friendly fire. She believes that there are officials who want to discredit her. The director of the Administrative Department of the Presidency – the 10th of the Petro team, who hopefully will soon overcome her health problems – is faced with accusations of influence peddling by Big Brother.

The magistrates of the Constitutional Court feel cheated, something serious, especially when they have to decide the future of a pension reform that could be an own goal for the Chamber, which passed it by the wayside. Nobody believes in anyone in a country that looks askance at itself. It’s already scary to say that rummaging phrase that someone wants to start a crime, because they can stop you. We have reached such a point that one is nobody if one does not feel excited.

For all this, there is an urgent need for something that unites us, that identifies us, that makes us see and feel the same color, or the same tricolor, on the same side, that makes us embrace each other. That is our selection. And that should be an example to abandon selfishness, so that there are sincere touches of the ball directed towards the same triumphal arch, in the great purposes, let’s say total peace, which, for now, a lot of touches, and nothing of that. With a technical director who does not divide, who calls together and seeks to solve problems by aligning the best in any game. And listen to the cries. Like that of the milkmen, which, for now, not even much. Will it be possible? Or if not, what do we play?

Luis Noe Ochoa

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