Joseph Quinn Reveals That Previous Versions Of The Human Torch Inspired His Portrayal In The MCU’s Fantastic Four

Joseph Quinn Reveals That Previous Versions Of The Human Torch Inspired His Portrayal In The MCU’s Fantastic Four
Joseph Quinn Reveals That Previous Versions Of The Human Torch Inspired His Portrayal In The MCU’s Fantastic Four

The Fantastic Four will become a fundamental pillar of the Marvel Cinematic Universe

In 2025, a very important saga for Marvel Studios will begin: The Fantastic Four. Following the purchase of Fox in 2019, the MCU will welcome a supergroup led by Pedro Pascal and Vanessa Kirby. Another actor who will surely become a favorite of many will be Joseph Quinn.

Quinn will play the charismatic Johnny Storm, a superhero we have already seen on the big screen played by Chris Evans and Michael B. Jordan. Both actors have been crucial to the construction of Quinn’s role in this new installment of The First Family. In an interview with People, Quinn revealed that his predecessors have been a great source of inspiration for his performance.

“They’re both brilliant actors and they did an incredible job with their performance. So I think it’s a matter of trying to find something… well, not different. I guess it will come from me. I’ve definitely been inspired by their performances, so we’ll see.” how it comes out.”

Quinn seeks to bring her own style to the character, but acknowledges the vital influence of Jordan and Evans’ performances. Johnny Storm’s cocky and rebellious attitude will likely remain, as it is inherent to the character, but this version will also have more depth and dynamism. This group promises to become the new pillar of Marvel Studios.

Before that, the company will likely introduce us to the story of The Fantastic Four solo, with a plot similar to that of the first Marvel comics. At the end of the film, through a multiversal portal, the characters could reach our present day to participate in a historic event: Secret Wars. The Fantastic Four will be released in theaters on July 25, 2025.

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