Jorge Olguín defended Pincoya’s performance in his new horror film: “He surprised the actors”

Jorge Olguín defended Pincoya’s performance in his new horror film: “He surprised the actors”
Jorge Olguín defended Pincoya’s performance in his new horror film: “He surprised the actors”

Jorge Olguinthe Chilean horror filmmaker, has Jennifer Galvarini in his most recent projectbetter known as ““Pincoya”who is he recording with? “Kalkutún, Trial of the Witches”.

According to the site, the film’s cast also includes Camila Oliva, Juan Carlos Maldonado and Bastian BodenhöferThe story of the film is based on real historical events that occurred in Chiloé in the 19th century.

La Pincoya did a castingwhere first a text was sent to her and then she sent a video with her interpretation. “Some extras were chosen by presence, others by video and without a doubt Jennifer was the best for the role we were looking for”Olguín revealed in an interview with MON.

“He came to the set with the dialogues learned”

Although, he assured that he had certain doubts with Jennifer “because I had no experience in film”on this occasion “I really liked the test” of the former Big Brother.

Regarding his participation in the film, he revealed that “it was recorded in one day” and that “She transformed herself for the character and that was nice. He changed his look a bit because the film is a period piece, he came to the set with his lines learned and showed me how he worked.”

The director praised that Pincoya gave him options of tone, text and that he even “She surprised the actors who were working with her. It was really a little discovery and a pleasure to work with her.”

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