A captivating film from the word and the image

The tools of loneliness“, the director’s last film Gaspar Gomez, premiered on Friday night at the Cinema University. This work stands out for its uniqueness and emotional depth, taking the viewer to a introspective journey through a minimalist narrative and a masterful performance by Verónica Manzonethe only actress in the film.

The feature film begins inciting the audience to think and unravel the intricate steps of the character. In dialogue with Sunthe audiovisual director explained how this structure evolves: “The Tools of Solitude is a film that at first takes you to a rational level, makes you think, makes you try to understand what is happening to the protagonist until at one point all those loose pieces fit together and when they fit together they go to an emotional level.“.

A reflection on the human experience

This dual approach, black and white, the deep use of words and music allow the audience to connect with the story.

The plot follows a writer who, in a therapy session, tells her new novel. As fiction intertwines with reality, her character comes to life, becoming an escape route and a means of recovery for the protagonist.

The film delves into universal themes such as pain, loss, overcoming and the transformative power of imagination, offering a deep exploration of the human experience through Gaspar’s unique vision and Verónica’s powerful execution.

The filming of “The Tools of Solitude” presented multiple challenges. Gómez explained that, from the script, telling a story with very few elements was a considerable challenge. Filming without a full crew required a great deal of ingenuity and adaptability. In post-production, the goal was to ensure that the editing and sound design perfectly complemented the transition from the rational to the emotional, supported by both the music and the sound effects.

Analysis of the care taken in the composition of the shots. (screenshot from the film)

The choice of Veronica Manzone

The designation of Veronica Manzone as the protagonist it was not coincidental. From the beginning of the project, Gómez had in mind to put the theater actress in front of her lens. “It was incredible that she wanted to join this project because, in fact, from the first drafts of the character she was already called Verónica,” commented the director.

His dedication to the role shines through in every take. Manzone gives an intense and moving performance, comparable to the great performances of Shakespearean theater, where every word and every gesture is loaded with meaning.

Five reasons to watch “The Tools of Solitude”

  1. Care in taking: Each shot is carefully composed, seeking symmetry and emotion. Added to the use of black and white, it allows the focus to focus on the depth of the text and creates intimacy with the character.
  1. Verónica Manzone’s performance: His performance is so intense and prolonged that it exalts the most demanding theatrical techniques.
  1. A reflection on being: The film invites a deep introspection about human nature.
  1. Music: It supports the story without invading, complementing the visual narrative.
  1. A meticulous and philosophical text: Each word is chosen with precision, creating a rhythm that immerses the audience in the story.
Analysis of the care taken in the composition of the shots. (screenshot from the film)

The movie It is a great book in itself, which resonates with the intimacy and depth of the works of Paul Auster, with a call to encounter à la Julio Cortázar and that activates critical thinking machines like those of Ray Bradbury, offering an internal reflection that leaves the viewer thinking, inviting him to discover an unparalleled aesthetic and acting synchrony.

Quoting Bradbury: As if a movie camera had projected inside his head a single clear memory, he discovered that his mind had stopped in a ridiculous way, in a scene”.

“The Tools of Solitude” is, without a doubt, a masterpiece that cannot be missed.

Gaspar Gómez and Veróniza Manzone.

Functions at the University Cinema

“The Tools of Solitude” will continue to run at Cine Universidad. To learn about the functions and purchase tickets, you can click here.

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