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For this reason, Pixar flatly refuses to make live-action films.

Pixar’s content director responds to the possibility of making live-action remakes of its film hits

When asked if Pixar could make its own live-actions of the film classics, Pete Docter has responded clearly

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In recent years, we have seen an increase in the number of live-action movies and series coming to market. It could be said that a large part of this boom began thanks to Disney when he ventured into this world some time ago with remakes of great hits like The Lion Kingbut in live action format.

Since then, we have witnessed an increase in the number of films in this style, even from Disney itself. Evidently, some feature films have been more successful than othersbut everything seems to indicate that the company will continue on this path.

However, it is precisely this that raises the doubt about whether Pixar, another of the best animation studios, Do you plan to make this type of film sometime?. Fortunately, we have an official response from the company’s COO, Pete Docter.

Pete Docter, content director at Pixer, talks about the possibility of entering the world of live-action

What for some would be a dream come true, for others it is a complete mistake.

As we have mentioned, Disney is one of the most important examples when it comes to the new trend of making live-action remakes of great hits from the past. This is a practice they have been doing for several years with titles like Pinocchio, The Jungle Book, Tarzan among others. But not all have had good receptions.

In fact, Disney’s greatest hits in this new format are few and far between. And it is that not all your remakes achieve success The Lion King which exceeded 1,000,000,000 dollars in profits. Many others receive negative criticism and opinions.

But in the midst of this boom live-action remakesmany of us wonder if Pixar, another legendary animation and animation studio with great classics on their backs, plans to venture into this world. Fortunately, Pete Docter himself, Pixar’s chief content officer, has spoken about it.

Ratatouille would not be the most pleasant option for a remake

All this occurred as part of an interview for Time magazine, in which Pete Docter was asked if Pixar had not considered the possibility of making their own remakes live-action of his films. Furthermore, the interviewer commented that Josh O’Connor would be a good candidate to play Alfredo Linguini in a hypothetical remake of Ratatouille.

To this, Pete responded immediately by pointing out that this type of question bothers him, because both he and the Pixar team enjoy discovering and animating new stories to tell them in a unique wayso thinking about doing something again is not exciting at all.

Considering that Pixar achieved the status it has today due to its multiple animated films, what Docter claims makes sense. But that’s not all, since He also comments that, after almost 30 years after, toy storyfor example, remains a beloved feature film, as do other films that don’t even have a franchise, such as Coconutthe company’s highest-rated film or Wall-E.

The live-action remakes They would imply that Pixar would have to get rid of one of the most important labels that has established it as the wonderful studio that it is: animation. For example, the recent sequel to the franchise Inside Out which has just been released provides new ways of approaching the themes and the narrative when it is animated, but if it were considered in a live-action format, then the result would be much less interesting.

Generally, the live-action remakes They are usually criticized when they stray too far from the original content that viewers liked so much. But distance It is necessary in this type of format to be able to tell the story you want.. Therefore, it is a situation that does not have a positive result.

For all this and more, Pixar discards the idea of ​​making live-actions of its cinematic successes. And it makes sense, since it is a company that has been characterized by its spectacular animation works. Not to mention that it has shown that, sometimes, no need to build a franchise to have a great timeless success, as is the case of Wall-E either Ratatouillefeature films that feature some of Pixar’s best characters.

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