Antonio Gasalla was discharged after several days of hospitalization – News

Antonio Gasalla was discharged after several days of hospitalization – News
Antonio Gasalla was discharged after several days of hospitalization – News

The actor Antonio Gasallawho suffers from progressive senile dementia, was discharged this Saturday, after having been admitted to a Buenos Aires sanatorium due to pneumonia.

Although there was no official report, Carlos – brother of the famous comedian – confirmed the news about the health of Antonio, 83 years old.

In communication with the program ”The run run of the spectacle”, which is broadcast on the channel TV ChronicleCarlos Gasalla said that he had already been discharged and that he was preparing to return to the nursing home where he currently lives, located in the Buenos Aires neighborhood of Monserrat.

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“Antonio was discharged today, and will continue his treatment in the nursing home where he is staying. The person who confirmed the information to this program a while ago is Carlos Gasalla, the man who accompanies him,” said Lío Pecoraro, cycle driver.

The comedian was hospitalized for almost two weeks in the Otamendi Sanatorium, in the City of Buenos Aires, due to pneumonia, although he was also affected by gastritis, which complicated his precarious state of health.

For his part, journalist Marcelo Polino, a friend of the actor, confirmed that “The cognitive issue is advancing, there is no medicine for it, it has an issue with the gastric button that has it to abuse.

You must be fed through a tube. “That, added to the pneumonia, made him go through a very difficult time.”

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