The experience with luminous beings of the vice mayor of Córdoba: “We are friends” – Notes – Always Together

The experience with luminous beings of the vice mayor of Córdoba: “We are friends” – Notes – Always Together
The experience with luminous beings of the vice mayor of Córdoba: “We are friends” – Notes – Always Together

Javier Pretto, vice mayor of the city of Córdoba, recounted a paranormal experience that he had on Uritorco Hill, in Capilla del Monte, known for its alleged alien activities.

Pretto narrated how, years ago, when he was still mayor of La Carlota, he saw “luminous beings” in the area.

This revelation was made in an interview on the program “From the field to the living room” on the channel Showsportwhere he stated without hesitation that he not only believed in UFOs, but that he had had close encounters with them.

Pretto explained that his visit to Uritorco was to accompany Wangchen Lah, a Tibetan monk who had traveled to Córdoba attracted by the supernatural energies of the area. Together with two other men and guided by a local, they left their vehicle and walked to a rock from where they observed the hill. Pretto described an apparition of lights that transformed into a white oval with five special beings suspended in the air, approaching them in different formations.

“I not only believe, I have seen them; “We are friends,” she assured. And he expanded: “A light appeared, it became a white oval, with special beings. There were five of them, they began to approach suspended in the air: a smaller one approached five or six meters away; two bigger ones behind; and two larger ones in the background.”

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Some time later, Pretto returned to Capilla del Monte, this time accompanied by his son and without the Tibetan monk, heading to the “Alfa” hill. Although on this occasion he did not have contact with special beings, he did observe the lights of the “city of Erks”, a legendary underground city where these beings supposedly live. This myth has been popularized since 1983 by Ángel Cristo Acoglanis, turning Capilla del Monte into a center of interest for those who believe in extraterrestrial contactism in Argentina.

Through these experiences, Pretto consolidated his belief in the existence of extraterrestrials, stating that he not only believes in them, but that he has had encounters that have strengthened his conviction. His testimony adds another chapter to the multiple stories and legends that revolve around Uritorco Hill and its mysterious paranormal phenomena.

Javier Pretto, vice mayor of Córdoba.

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