Did North Korea execute a K-Pop fan? The victim was a 22-year-old man.

¿North Korea executed a K-Pop fan? Information released by defectors from the regime headed by Kim Jong-un revealed the events that occurred in 2022.

As part of the actions that North Korea implements in search of stop the flow of information and the penetration of external culturea 22 year old man was executed publicly.

In this regard, the report published days ago establishes that the 22 year old man was executed by the regime because it was discovered that I was a fan of K-Popthe popular music produced in South Korea.

K-pop (Taken from video)

North Korea executed a 22-year-old for being a K-Pop fan

After discovering that she was a fan of K-Pop, the regime North Korea executed publicly to a 22 year old man during 2022.

This is revealed in a report prepared with testimonies from defectors from the North Korean regime, which states that the authorities sentenced the young man when revealing that he was a fan of the South Korean music.

Regarding the facts, the report indicates that the North Korean regime identified that the 22-year-old man, listened to 70 songs K-Pop and saw 3 movies produced in South Korea.

In the same way, the defectors denounced that the authorities headed by Kim Jong-un determined that the young K-Pop fan, distributed the content which is prohibited in the country.

North Korea (STR/AFP)

Why is K-Pop banned in North Korea?

In the report on human rights in North Korea that was released by the South Korean government, it warns that the Kim Jong-un regime banned K-Pop since 2020.

Regarding this, the deserters declared that in that year, a law was implemented that prohibits the population from accessing and consuming foreign cultures by classifying them as “reactionary ideologies”.

The above, they explained, was deployed as part of the actions that North Korea implements in search of curb the flow of external informationespecially those that can influencing young people.

Under this premise, North Korea banned listening to music foreign like K-Pop, consume films produced in South Korea and other cultural elements from the neighboring country such as the following:

  • Let brides wear white dresses
  • Let the grooms carry the bride
  • The use of sunglasses
  • Drinking alcohol from wine glasses

The measures described by South Korea as violations of human rightsinclude other types of invasive acts such as continuous phone inspection mobile phones.

Regarding this, the deserters explained that it is done in order to check that the population does not use expressions and terms that are considered to be of South Korean influence.

Experts say that the actions in North Korea are being taken because foreign cultural expressions are considered a threat to the loyalty ideology imposed by the Kim dynasty.

Kim Jong-un, leader of North Korea

Kim Jong-un, leader of North Korea (JORGE SILVA / POOL JORGE SILVA / POOL / EFE)

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