Abel Prieto Receives Honoris Causa Doctorate Degree from UCLV • Workers

Abel Prieto Receives Honoris Causa Doctorate Degree from UCLV • Workers
Abel Prieto Receives Honoris Causa Doctorate Degree from UCLV • Workers

The intellectual, cultural and political work of Abel Enrique Prieto Jiménez was recognized by the Marta Abreu de Las Villas Central University by granting him the Honoris Causa Degree in Philological Sciences by the Faculty of Humanities of the Villa Clara House of Higher Studies.

Photo: Ramón Barreras Valdés

When reading the resolution that accredits the high recognition, Dr. Luis Antonio Barranco Olivera, rector of the UCLV, highlighted the ties established over decades of Abel Prieto with the university as a presenter of literary works, lecturer and panelist, as well as his values as an artistic creator, driver of Cuban cultural policies and his contribution to Latin American arts and culture.

In the praise of the outstanding Cuban intellectual, written by Miguel Barnet Lanza and read by Luis Morlote Rivas, official of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC) and visiting professor at UCLV, the plain, committed Cuban with fine humor is recognized. and natural intelligence, whom Barnet, also Dr. Honoris Causa of the UCLV, characterizes as a lightning bolt in the middle of the night, a light that calms storms, with deep and poised reflections, with a singular talent as an essayist and master writer.

The text also recognizes the accurate Minister and the intellectual, who during his time in politics, namely the Cuban Revolution, has managed to lucidly interweave the social reality and the thought of José Martí, Antonio Gramsci and Fidel Castro, also specifying in the worth of his vision on the terms Cuban, Cubanness and Cubanness as a culture of resistance.

Prieto Jiménez thanked the UCLV for his gesture and offered his collaboration with this educational institution on the topics they consider relevant.

Subsequently, he gave a Master Conference on the program Sowing ideas, sowing consciousness against cultural colonization, which dealt with the danger and threat of this phenomenon, the manipulation that it engenders when using emotions, the communicative matrices that it uses to distort history, subvert identity, confuse what is Yankee with what is modern, among many other issues that seek to unite and destabilize us.

The ceremony was also attended by Osnay Miguel Colina Rodríguez, member of the Central Committee of the PCC and its first secretary in the province, Noel Chinea, vice-governor of the territory and Dr. Mario Alejandro Martínez Menéndez, dean of the Faculty of Humanities.

Abel Prieto, currently president of Casas de Las Américas, has been minister of culture on two occasions, president of the Union of Writers and Artists of Cuba (UNEAC), member of the Political Bureau of the PCC, among his most recognized literary works are the stories The bitongos and the handsome ones (1980) and Saturday night (1989,) and the novel He cat flight (1999).

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