Milei admitted that the future of Posse and the entire cabinet is subject to the approval of the Bases Law


Amid the growing wave of rumors surrounding the possibility that the Chief of Staff, Nicolas Posseleave that position, the president Javier Milei He cast more doubts on the matter and assured that His situation is the same as that of the rest of his entire team and the continuity or not of each one will depend on what happens with the Bases Law. The chief of ministers was the big absentee in the show that the president starred in this Wednesday at Luna Park.

“The situation [de Posse] It is the same one that the entire Cabinet has. When you manage, you have milestones and our first management milestone would end with the outcome of the Bases Law, which may or may not turn out well. These situations will lead to the fact that, once that milestone has been marked, we will have to make an evaluation of the results. The entire cabinet is under analysis, not just Posse”, he said in an interview with LN+. “They are all checked,” she added.

He insisted that “when we reach that milestone, everything is reviewed” and raised the possibility that Federico Sturzenegger – currently called “advisor” – would occupy a ministry. “For example, the law comes out, we finish the first part, we go to the second, Sturzenegger enters as minister… it is the case of two plus two four. One has to set a moment and from there it is evaluated whether or not the objectives were met, and what did not work is changed and what worked remains in place,” he said.

Beyond the eventual changes, subject to what happens in the Upper House, Milei blamed the senators for “generating the impasse” to stop the rule. “It is a law that Argentines need so that there are fewer poor people, but politicians seem to be more interested in trying to make the Government fail than to improve the lives of Argentines,” she expressed.

As published by LA NACION, Posse missed Milei’s act just at a time when rumors are growing about its continuity. His internal situation became fragile. In the official corridors, different voices assure that the decision-making power of the Chief of Staff was reduced and that he no longer defines the appointments in the organizational chart as at the beginning. All this while veiled criticism of his work flourishes and he is blasted with “friendly fire.”

At the beginning of the talk, the head of the Executive ignored the criticism he received for the particular performance he gave last night in the legendary Buenos Aires stadium, he stressed that the event itself was to present a book” and assured that at no time was he missing to his investiture. “I did not violate my role as Head of State,” he stated and gave as an example the reaction to the public’s chants alluding to former president Cristina Fernández de Kirchner and the president of Spain, Pedro Sánchez.

“I was reviewing the impacts on networks. The adrenaline that remains after that is strong. I found some clippings from your program, you identify the moment when people start insulting Pedro Sánchez. And I was not in the role of Head of State but I resolved as Head of State, like when they sing that Cristina goes to prison. I told them ‘I would sing like you but I am Head of State, I can’t get involved,’ she said.

Meanwhile, he insisted that it was “a private act.” “This came out of mine, the rent for Luna Park came from the royalties from the book,” he stated in relation to the unknown about the financing of the call in which he presented “Capitalism, socialism and the neoclassical trap”.

Javier Milei The Rent Of Luna Park Was Paid With Book Royalties

The LLA leader also spoke about the article that was published in Time magazine and although he indicated that he did not read the article published on the cover of that American media, titled “The radical who shakes the world,” he said that he is not worried. to put that label on it.

“The note with Tucker Carlson was the first impact. Then I went to Davos and revolutionized everything with the comments,” he noted his participation in international forums and emphasized that his objective is to raise “an international debate” at the same time that he shows “where Argentina is going.” “The Argentine vision is so pro-market, so in favor of freedom, that it generates a lot of attraction for businessmen.”

Along these lines, Milei recalled that he met twice with the owner of Tesla, Elon Musk – whom he defined as “the most important businessman in the world” – and confirmed that in the coming days he will travel to the United States again to meet “with great exponents of technology companies.” ““We want to make Argentina the fourth pole of artificial intelligence in the world”he warned.

In his usual way, the President ratified his criticism of “Kirchnerism” and expressed strong definitions about its references. While the former president Cristina Fernández de Kirchner He described it as “the leader of the gang” and estimated that “he is on his way to jail,” to the governor Axel Kicillof He defined it as “a superlative incapable” and called former president Alberto Fernández “a failure.”

“He doesn’t have enough resources and he goes and puts resources in other provinces, he has the province dynamited. He is starting to campaign for elections now, leaving the people of Buenos Aires defenseless,” he said about the agreements that the president reached with his counterparts from Santa Fe and Chubut. “Not only are we going to beat them in 2025. But in 2027 we are also going to keep the province”, he predicted.


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