Esteban Lazo confirms social care in Villa Clara – Juventud Rebelde

Esteban Lazo confirms social care in Villa Clara – Juventud Rebelde
Esteban Lazo confirms social care in Villa Clara – Juventud Rebelde

Santa Clara. — During a parliamentary visit to Villa Clara that began on June 5, Esteban Lazo Hernández, president of the National Assembly of People’s Power (ANPP) and member of the Political Bureau of the Party, evaluated the region’s attention to social indicators, reported the ACN.

After a morning full of dialogue with businessmen and producers, the president visited the “El Níspero” farm in Camajuaní. In this place, he is carrying out a project for the processing and sale of meat products, and is also venturing into covered tobacco as a way to obtain foreign currency and guarantee financing.

Yusdany Rojas, project leader, explained that the key to the success of this venture is for each worker to see it as their own and find their personal fulfillment in it.

In this place, Lazo Hernández showed interest in sales to the community, the relationship with the popular council and contributions to social institutions such as maternal homes, nursing homes and daycare centers.

Later, at the San Vicente de Paul Nursing Home No. 4 in Santa Clara, the leader of the Cuban Parliament spoke with some of the residents and medical staff.

The home, which currently houses 25 women permanently and another 14 semi-internally, is an example of how the support of farmers and productive ways are essential to ensure a balanced and beneficial diet for the elderly.

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