Check here the free vaccination points for Influenza

The Ministry of Health deployed more than 1,200 vaccination points against Influenza throughout the country this year. These centers are intended for both the at-risk population and priority groups, who can obtain their completely free inoculation.

They are close to 10 million people who consider themselves within these groups: senior citizens, children and infants, chronically ill people, health workers, homeless people, garbage collectors, among others, which you can review in the following note.

Who should get the flu vaccine (it’s free)

It is essential that people who are within their risk group have their dose this year. Let us remember that Influenza is a virus that constantly mutates, so, Even if you get vaccinated in 2023, you must do it again to be fully protected.

The flu vaccine is used to prevent patients from contracting more serious symptoms.. Influenza can generate respiratory failure, even requiring hospitalization and mechanical ventilation, and in some cases is fatal. This week alone the Ñuble Health Service reported five unfortunate deaths from this and other respiratory viruses. Four of them did not have their vaccine.

Where are the free influenza vaccination points?

In total, there are more than 1,200 vaccination points so you can get your free inoculation against Influenza, among which are Family Health Centers (Cesfam), schools, supermarkets, shopping centers, metro stations, squares and more.

As there are so many, we cannot include them in this note. However, the Minsal Disease Prevention and Control Division published a list of all the places where you can go to get vaccinated for free.

On this site you can find, searching by region and commune, the centers closest to your location or work.. In addition, the opening hours of each of the centers appear in the same place, as shown in the following image.

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