How to see the comet that passes near the Earth again – La Brújula 24

How to see the comet that passes near the Earth again – La Brújula 24
How to see the comet that passes near the Earth again – La Brújula 24

After an 11-year cosmic journey through the solar system, comet 154P/Brewington will approach Earth tonight. Although it will not be visible to the naked eye, with a small telescope it will be possible to observe this celestial phenomenon if the night is not cloudy.

Discovered in 1992 by American astronomer Howard J. Brewington, the comet completes its orbit around the Sun approximately every 10 and a half years. His last visit occurred in 2013, so astronomy fans eagerly await his passage. It will be approximately 232.5 million kilometers from the planet.

Due to its size, it is not a comet that stands out in the sky for its brightness. However, if the weather conditions are optimal, with a telescope or binoculars you can see the cloud of gas and dust that surrounds its core, and it will even be possible to observe its tail, formed by particles expelled by the solar wind.

To locate it in the sky, you must look for it in the constellation of Ursa Major, near the star Dubhe. To make sure you correctly locate the constellations, there are several free apps with maps with which you can identify all the stellar elements, such as Sky Tonight, Google Sky Map, Star Walk, Planetarium and Star Walk.

With information from TN

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