Celebrations begin for the anniversary of the Convention Center • Workers

With the purpose of celebrating the 45th anniversary of the Havana Convention Palace, to be celebrated in September of this year, the program of activities that will be carried out for this commemoration was announced today.

Photo: ACN

Representatives of the Palace, centers and organizations to which service and support are provided, as well as others present who are involved in the work of the center, participated in the meeting.

Yaima Valdés Martinez, general director of the Convention Palace, pointed out that among the works to improve the work in each of the events it hosts is the remodeling of its facilities, for which there is an investment project to modernize the facilities. rooms for better use by clients.

Photo: Jessica Jimenez Gainza

He added that despite the situation caused by COVID-19, the Convention Center responded to the country’s call to be a more efficient institution despite the difficulties that this context entailed.

He highlighted that since 1979 they have hosted more than three thousand thematic meetings and have received more than one and a half million participants in the events that take place.

Armando Franco Senén, deputy director of the Congress, Fairs and Exhibitions Company, pointed out that the Palace is the reflection of the hands that have built it every day and that its essence lies fundamentally in its people.

He explained that the facilities have been participants in events that have marked the country, but also the countries in the region and those that are developing.

He specified that the Convention Palace is not only made up of its 12 rooms, but we must also mention the neighboring hotel, a printing press and fairgrounds, distinguished by the diversity of services with the work of the PALCO Group companies.

The country’s situation is not unrelated but we demonstrate the resilience required for these times, he stressed.

Among the activities that took place during the day, there was a tour of the different facilities of the Palace, where the transformations that were being made and that will allow greater use of the center in different events were evident.

The activities for the anniversary of the Palace, under the slogan Times of a Giant, are intended to extend beyond the date of foundation and the objective is to reach society and different sectors, including children’s homes without filial protection and neighborhoods. in vulnerable conditions, among others.

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