the police repressed protesters; there are injured and detained

Repression Law Bases Senate 12/6

Repression of the Gendarmerie in front of Congress.

Ignacio Petunchi

Bases law debate: tension between gendarmerie and protesters

While the mobilization was carried out peacefully, the gendarmerie began to advance on the protesters in Hipólito Yrigoyen, near Entre Ríos. Additionally, they placed a fenced so that the protesters do not cross.

Repression Congress Law Bases Senate 12/6

Tension between protesters and the Gendarmerie outside Congress.

Ignacio Petunchi

Added to that, the gendarmes They began to water the attendees with a water-hydrant truck and shoot them with tear gas and rubber bullets.. On the side of the protesters, They returned the violence with stones and Molotov cocktails.

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The repression against Congress.

The repression against Congress.

Ignacio Petunchi

They set fire to a radio mobile

Protesters turned and then They set fire to a car that serves as the mobile phone for the Córdoba radio station Cadena 3. After a few minutes, a fire hydrant truck put out the flames of the vehicle.

Chain Mobile 3 set on fire

Cadena 3's cell phone set on fire.

Cadena 3’s cell phone set on fire.

Ignacio Petunchi

Also, a while later, They overturned and set fire to two other cars that were parked in the vicinity of Congress.

According to C5Nthe situation there is “maximum tension“, With the presence of more than 50 troops gendarmerie and the Federal Police. “We are not going to do anything, we are applauding“said one protester, while another assured that the operation “is a disaster.”

Repression Congress Law Bases Senate 12/6

Tension between protesters and the Gendarmerie outside Congress.

Tension between protesters and the Gendarmerie outside Congress.

Ignacio Petunchi

Pablo Moyano’s call against the law Bases

Last Friday, the co-secretary general of the General Confederation of Labor (CGT), Pablo Moyanoheld a press conference with other social leaders and, after calling for a mobilization on the day of the debate for the Bases law, warned opposition senators: “They either become heroes or traitors.”

law bases senate march congress

The fence installed by the Police.

The fence installed by the Police.

Ignacio Petunchi

In this context, the union leader gave details about the march that will take place next Wednesday, the day on which the official project will be debated: “Just reiterate what we said in the CGT plenary session last Monday. It is a necessity and an obligation to be on Wednesday rejecting this Bases law that destroys industries. “It will destroy transportation and workers will once again pay profits.”

“It is an obsession of the right-wing governments that The first thing they want to do is sell Aerolíneas Argentinas and all state companies,” he added.

Attack on deputies of Unión por la Patria

Earlier, just a short time after the session began, the legislators of Unión por la Patria Carlos Castagnetto, Leopoldo Moreau, Luis Basterra, Juan Manuel Pedrini and Eduardo Valdés They were hospitalized after the incidents that occurred in the afternoon in front of Congress.

These deputies were holding an event when clashes occurred between federal forces, who fired pepper spray, and protesters in the vicinity of the legislative building.

The uniformed officers, who were creating a double cordon to surround the parliamentary building, threw some tear gas at the protesters at the intersection of Callao and Rivadavia avenues, where struggles occurred.

Participating in the operation implemented by the Ministry of National Security were: in addition to the Federal Police, members of the National Gendarmerie and Naval Prefecture.

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“We started walking towards the Plaza and the Gendarmerie and the Police began to approach us and surround us and throw gas,” complained deputy Cecilia Moreau, daughter of Leopoldo Moreau, in statements to the press.

“We identified ourselves as deputies and the response was to throw gas at us,” For his part, his colleague Pedrini lamented, one of those affected who had to receive medical attention.

The five deputies affected in the eyes by the gases received had to go to the Santa Lucía Ophthalmological Hospital.

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