Syphilis cases are growing among young people and a new “sexual culture” is worrying in Mendoza

According to data from the World Health Organization (WHO), every day more than a million people between 15 and 49 years old contract a sexually transmitted infection (STI) that can be cured and, for the most part, does not cause symptoms. Mendoza does not escape that statistic and health professionals warned that cases are increasing due to a new “sexual culture. They attribute the increase to the lack of use of preservative and they claim that the “fear“.

With a rate of 68.6 cases per 100,000 inhabitants in 2022 -the national average is 57.7 cases-, since Provincial Reproductive Health Program recognize a “increase in recent times. Furthermore, they consider that there are infections of this type that are not reported, so the quantity may be higher than that officially reported.

Beyond the official data, we know that there is under-recording. As it is a disease without mandatory notification, many of the diagnoses made in wards or in health centers are not reported. We do not have a specific epidemiological traceability record“he assured Valentina Albornozhead of the program.

In dialogue with Sunthe specialist explained that the age of 19 to 25 years is the most affected. Among the causes of this, he attributed the increase to the lack of condom use in sexual relations.

The condom is the only one that works to prevent diseases. The data is an indirect indicator that reflects that there is no awareness about its useat least at the level we would like“, he contributed.

Loss of fear of illness

Rising incidence of syphilis is cause for serious concern“He expressed weeks ago Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, director general of the WHO. However, experts point out that the youngest people “they lack respect” to the disease, and mention that the world is facing a new “sexual culture“.

The number of syphilis cases we are seeing is impressive. There is little use of condoms. There is a new sexual culture in adolescents. The era of casual contact. The fear of the disease has been lost and the consequences are not respected“said the gynecologist Adrian Romera (Matt. 7297).

Furthermore, the health professional indicated that the information is available, but stressed that its access is “limited,” and requested advance awareness campaigns.

Absence of controls

The specialists highlighted that, generally, younger people do not attend check-ups unless they present some symptoms, although women are the ones who most often come to the offices for their annual check-ups.

Certain diagnoses occur casually, while others are in advanced stages, when symptoms already occur. If they do not have causes, adolescents do not control themselves“Romero pointed out.

According to the information presented weeks ago in a report by the international organization, American countries register the highest global incidence of syphilisa sexually transmitted bacterial infection that, if left untreated, can cause serious health problems.

Stating that the Ministry of Health carries out quick tests to detect diseases in people without symptoms, Valentina Albornoz recalled that the A condom is a supply that can be obtained free of charge in all health centers and hospitals, without the need for a medical prescription or any particular information.

The data that alarms

With a total of eight million of syphilis cases in the world during 2022, America accounts for 42% of new reported infections. In this same period, The rate of this STI in Argentina was 57.7 cases per 100,000 inhabitantsdata that shows an increase compared to pandemic and pre-pandemic levels.

Source: Ministry of Health of the Nation. Data updated as of August 2023.

What is syphilis

According to Guest FoundationSyphilis is a sexually transmitted infection caused by a bacteria called Treponema pallidum It affects both men and women. It can be congenital, transmitted from mother to child during pregnancy, or acquired, that is, transmitted sexually or by blood transfusion.

It is detected through a blood test which is available free of charge in the public health system, as well as in sanatoriums or private clinics.

It is a disease that is easy to treat and cure with penicillin, which is an antibiotic.. However, if it is not detected in time it can cause complications.

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