If the business fails to comply, notify this phone number

Financial authorities of Cuban banks, such as Credit and Commerce (Bandec), launched TODAY, a message on social networks about QR payments in local businesses and what to do in the event of non-compliance with regulations.

Bandec echoed a general message from the Central Bank of Cuba (BCC) about online payments with QR in both private and state establishments. The regulations require them to have this customer payment option or else they may be subject to business closure, as has already happened.

“Please know that given the refusal of some establishments to use electronic payment channels, you can access the telephone number that we offer below. Remember that you can demand your right to access digital media to pay for goods or services,” the message reads.

*The telephone number where you can complain if a business does not have a QR will be found at the end of this text. We reiterate that it was a message from the Cuban banks to their clients on the island.

Message from Cuban banks about payments with QR

Without a doubt, the “banking” process, as it is called by the authorities and online payment in businesses, through QR, continues to generate doubts in some users, hence these telephone contacts also serve to “convey concerns, disagreements and suggestions.”

Financial institutions continue to talk about the “benefits” of payments by this means. Today they also pointed out in a message that: “online payment through the use of QR among its advantages avoids handling cash, allows faster and safer operations, it is not necessary to carry a magnetic card and you can also access BONUSES. With the transfer you deprive yourself of the last one.”

Regarding bonuses and discounts for the use of this medium, do you know how to differentiate a QR with discounts from one that does not? If you don’t know, you better read this article that explains it step by step. Click here.

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