Javier Milei cried with emotion after the laudatory speech of one of his mentors in Spain

Minutes before going on stage at the Casino de Madrid to receive an award from the Juan de Mariana Institute, Javier Milei was moved to tears sitting at his table at the Casino de Madrid. It was when Professor Jesús Huerta de Soto concluded a complimentary speech about the figure of the libertarian and presented him with a portrait with the Argentine presidential sash. “Bullfighter” was one of the epithets with which he complimented Milei.

“Long live the Austrian school of economics! Long live the great Argentine nation! Long live your president Javier Milei! And as… Long live fucking freedom!was the closing of the Huerta de Soto exhibition.

His speech was full of praise for Milei. She also abounded in questioning “statism” and “left-wing,” as she said, quoting the Argentine.

“All those who wish to become the long-awaited Milei of each country already know what the roadmap is and what they have to do: follow the Milei model to the letter,” he said in one of the strongest sections.

Jesús Huerta de Soto, the professor of Economics admired by Javier Milei who praised him at the Juan de Mariana Institute award ceremony.

He highlighted Milei’s ascendancy in youth against “the most lethal virus of statism,” which he also described as a “drug.” In this regard, he added: “she popularized the ideas of freedom like no one else, literally teaching economic theory to thousands and thousands of people in streets, squares and on television, morally and intellectually demolishing statist ideas.”

At the end of Huerta de Soto’s dissertation, they discovered the enormous portrait that they gave to the President, where he is seen with the leather jacket and the presidential sash.

The Juan de Mariana Institute gave a portrait to Milei and the president was moved.

When they discovered the painting, Huerta de Soto came down to greet the President. They gave each other a long hug, with affectionate blows from the Spaniard on the Argentine’s back. Milei cried. With his back to the camera, visibly moved, the libertarian had to use his hands to dry his tears. He was dazzled by the pictorial work, while he received a widespread ovation at the Madrid Casino. With the President already seated at his table, the chant turned to “Argentina! Argentina!”

Huerta de Soto is known for the classes he shares on his social networks, including one in which he celebrated Milei’s victory in the 2023 elections with his students. They exchanged letters that the Argentine thanked on Twitter. And he even reciprocated it by quoting it in his presidential inauguration speech with his back to Congress.

Hug and emotion between Jesús Huerta de Soto and Javier Milei in Madrid.Hug and emotion between Jesús Huerta de Soto and Javier Milei in Madrid.

“As the great Jesús Huerta de Soto says, anti-poverty plans generate more poverty, the only way to get out of poverty is with more freedom,” he turned to his teacher in that intervention on December 10.

In 1992, Huerta Soto published his thesis “Socialism, economic calculation and business function”, for which he became known. He is a member of the Ludwig von Mises Institute and the Mont Pelerin Society, created by Friedrich Hayek in 1947.

In January, the professor at the Rey Juan Carlos University and the Complutense University of Madrid nominated Milei for the Nobel Prize in Economics.

Hug and emotion between Jesús Huerta de Soto and Javier Milei in Madrid.Hug and emotion between Jesús Huerta de Soto and Javier Milei in Madrid.

How many are now saying: ‘I didn’t know it, now that I hear it I realize what I am, an anarcho-capitalist.’ It doesn’t matter what happens in Argentina, although I want it to be very successful, but what Milei has achieved has immense value,” Huerta Soto stated then.

“It would be to give the Nobel Prize in Economics to Israel Kirzner as the greatest living representative of the Austrian school of economics, and to President Javier Milei as someone capable of putting that ideology into practice,” he justified his plan.

The YouTuber who was invited to the dinner in tribute to Milei in Madrid

Among the guests was a top YouTuber from Spain. It is not about Huerta de Soto himself, a success with the YouTube channel in which he replicates talks on economic theory. The influencer who was present was Willyrex.

YouTuber Willyrex at dinner with Milei from the Juan de Mariana Institute.YouTuber Willyrex at dinner with Milei from the Juan de Mariana Institute.

Guillermo Díaz Ibáñez, his real name, is one of the most important influencers in Spain (17 million subscribers on YouTube, 8 million followers on Instagram). Before the start of the dinner he shared a photo from inside the Juan de Mariana Institute. In addition, he took a photo, in a suit, at the door of the building.

He arrived in Madrid this Friday, especially to attend the Milei meeting. She had already announced in the week that she would be present, in a broadcast in which he highlighted her invitation. “We have always been very white, we have never talked about politics or religion or football. For me they are the three things that could not be touched,” Willyrex said then.

“But now Milei, right? What do I do? 90% of Argentinians like me. But if I take a photo with Milei, who liked me a 9/10 now I’m going to like him 10/10, but “Risk and reward, is it worth it,” speculated Guillermo Díaz Ibáñez, his real name, who this Friday traveled to Madrid especially for the meeting with the president. Argentinian.

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