Juan Carlos de Pablo discredited the possibility of Milei receiving the Nobel Prize in Economics

Juan Carlos de Pablo discredited the possibility of Milei receiving the Nobel Prize in Economics
Juan Carlos de Pablo discredited the possibility of Milei receiving the Nobel Prize in Economics


The Economist Juan Carlos de Pablo outlined his opinion regarding the statements made by President Javier Milei yesterday during his visit to Prague, in the Czech Republic. Within the framework of an awards ceremony, during which the President received an award from the Prague Liberal InstituteMilei said: “With my chief advisor, Dr. Demian Reidel, we are rewriting much of economic theory. If it ends up going well, they will probably give me the Nobel Prize in Economics along with Demian.”

In dialogue with María O’Donnell for Urban PlayDe Pablo said in this regard: “That is nonsense. First of all, you don’t apply, they apply to you. Second is for advances in theories and there are no advances in theories. It’s a forgettable comment like any other. Don’t get caught up in nonsense. Raise your aim”. Prior to this, the economist criticized the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for its demands on the Milei administration in a public document. He also disagreed with Alfonso Prat-Gay’s economic vision.

“This thing about the International Monetary Fund speaking publicly about member countries It’s total nonsense. The document must be internal. They are not fulfilling their true role, which is to help member countries privately. A few months ago, Fund officials asked the Government to take care of the poor as well. And Milei must think ‘Do you want me to take care of the poor? Well, send me the money. Stop fucking with me,’” she analyzed.

He also considered that The credit organization’s diagnosis is wrong when it talks about a “prolonged recession” for Argentina: “You are misinformed. He doesn’t even look at the data. We must tell the International Monetary Fund to at least inform itself. It’s fourth class. Entering into a controversy of this type with a member country is outrageous. Let the advice be given privately. “Everyone can have their say but the baby’s mother is the one in charge.”

Later, De Pablo stated that he was not “convinced” that the ruling party “wants fresh funds from the IMF.” “Not at all. “Anything you want, but don’t pay attention to that,” he reinforced. Even so, he stressed that if the organization in charge of Georgieva “give the country US$40 billion, the ‘there is no money’ will become ‘there is some money’.” “It’s going to be a different story,” he predicted. To close, the economist was the opposite of the diagnosis of Mauricio Macri’s Minister of Treasury and Public Finance.

“He talks about how Milei, to avoid hyperinflation, fell into a hyperrecession. She would tell my dear Prat-Gay to look at the numbers before speaking. Calling this a hyperrecession is outrageous. The reality is heterogeneous. There are some sectors that are recovering, others that are nowhere and the last few that are waiting. Microeconomics always matters. We have different situations within the sectors. It’s not something minor.”he concluded.

At the beginning of his speech, the Argentine president had drawn a parallel between his challenges and those of Lionel Messi. “If you go to watch a soccer match in Argentina, the stands are spectacular, but they put the ball in the middle of the field and if Messi doesn’t come in to kick the ball, the ball doesn’t move,” said. And he continued: “Without political action you get nowhere. Because they do kick, they do keep scoring goals and they don’t care. The only way to stop socialism, statism, collectivism, is to stand up to them and fight them, culturally and in the political arena.” According to Milei, he is doing it and with great success.

From the Žofín Palace, he also boasted of having made the “largest fiscal adjustment in the history of humanity” in six months of government and stabilizing the economy. He also questioned the training he received in the Economics program at the University of Buenos Aires as biased and recounted how he converted to the Austrian School. According to him, in his experience, His “academic background” was very important because it is what guided “every action taken.”

He also reiterated that behind the Base Law – which the ruling party hopes to approve in the Chamber of Deputies this week – it has many more modifications in the pipeline. “We have 3,200 more reforms pending to become the freest country in the world, aiming to be the richest country in the world in the long term,” he said. And he maintained that he is preparing an accelerated convergence process “through the use of artificial intelligence.”

Milei maintained that “hand in hand with the ideas of freedom and technological progress, free markets, respect for private property, respect for life,” Argentina will be able to “become a the most brilliant case in the history of humanity” so that Argentines “be rich again.”

“At the time we came to power – said Milei -, Argentina was 140th in the ranking, with more than 50% poor, with a situation where it produces food for 400 million human beings, with a fiscal pressure in the sector that produces 70% of food, that is, the State takes the food of 280 million human beings in Argentina and five million people who do not have enough to eat (…). In that context, we had to come to power. There is no need to cry or complain, or anything, because under normal conditions of pressure and temperature, people are not going to elect a liberal-libertarian president.”

In front of his Czech hosts, the leader of La Libertad Avanza (LLA) insisted that he is the right person to change the fortunes of Argentina, a country that, according to him “has two very clear economic problems: the problem that does not grow” and “overflowing inflation.” “So, it was clear that I needed a growth and money specialist. Well, people were not wrong, 56% chose the growth and money specialist, which is my case,” he concluded.


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