An intense heat wave melted a statue of Abraham Lincoln

An intense heat wave melted a statue of Abraham Lincoln
An intense heat wave melted a statue of Abraham Lincoln

The United States is experiencing an intense heat wave with temperatures exceeding 33°. In Washington DC, Baltimore and Philadelphia brands of up to 37°, causing a Abraham Lincoln statue melted.

The construction site It is a replica of Lincoln Memorial located in what was Camp Barker, a former refugee camp. It was built by the artist Sandy Williams IV of the state of Virginia and it is made of wax.

Washington: How the Abraham Lincoln statue melted

The truth is that this is not the first time that this statue has suffered this type of mishap. This has to do with the number of wicks it included to be lit.

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This is how the statue of Abraham Lincoln looked.

In September 2023 it was installed in the same place where it is now and, at the opening ceremony, it began to melt as They lit all the fuses at the same time. Then, in February, they reopened the work but warned tourists that if they lit the fuses they had to put it out immediately. 1 or 2 minutes.

Now, the high temperatures They were what caused the statue of Abraham Lincoln to melt.

Abraham Lincoln statue repaired in Washington

According to the BBC, the work is being repaired and is scheduled to be completely re-glued this week. The statue is located on the outskirts of Garrison Elementary School and represents a “direct commentary on Washington DC’s history of Civil War-era smuggling camps.”

Activists vandalize the new official portrait of King Charles III

Group activists Animal Rising They attacked a portrait of King Charles III andn a gallery of London. The protesters covered the monarch’s head and replaced it with the character’s face Wallacefrom the British animated series Wallace and Gromit.

The vandalized official portrait is the first of the king of England and has been on display since mid-May at the Philip Mold Gallery in London. It was painted by the famous British artist Jonathan Yeo.

Two activists pasted Wallace’s face on the king’s face along with a message denouncing the treatment of animals on farms who have received a certificate from the RSCPAthe Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.

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Courtesy X @AnimalRising.

Daniel Juniperone of the protesters, spoke after the vandalism, saying: “Given that King Charles is a big fan of Wallace and Gromit, we couldn’t think of a better way to draw his attention to Horrific scenes at RSPCA certified farms“.

For its part, Philip Moulsthe owner of the gallery, assured that they were considering the possibility of this type of action being carried out and referred to the state of the painting: “No damage has occurred to the fabric“, he claimed.

In a recently published report, the organization denounced the “animal suffering and horrible cruelty” on several farms whose products carry the RSCPA label, which supposedly guarantees good farming conditions.

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