Caricatures that honor Fidel • Workers

Caricatures that honor Fidel • Workers
Caricatures that honor Fidel • Workers

An exhibition of 27 political caricatures dedicated to the figure of the historical leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro Ruz, was inaugurated this Tuesday under the name of Alta Fidelidad, at the headquarters of the Union of Journalists of Cuba (UPEC), as part of the 1st Biennial of Political Humor that takes place in our country.

Originally organized by Estudios Ares to commemorate the birth of the Commander in Chief, the collective exhibition, simultaneous with the Los Fideles de Juventud Rebelde expo, is the collaborative result of different artists who donated funds and compiled works by relevant graphic artists, among which stand out José Luis Posada and René de la Nuez.

According to the Cubaperiodistas website, the cartoons, mostly produced in the country, date from the 1950s to the present and compile graphics from different media outlets such as El Caimán Barbudo, Juventud Rebelde, Granma, Dedeté, Bohemia, Zigzag, Revolution and The World.

The graphic artist Arístides Esteban Hernández Guerrero (Ares) expressed that “political caricature covers many topics and also addresses the caricature of political figures. In the exhibition, there are anthological works by Zig-Zag, Bohemia and Juventud Rebelde that for the first time are exhibited outside of those publications. Likewise, he added that the exhibition is a space to offer an image of the Cuban political caricature.

This Tuesday, the international workshop Political humor and communication in the 21st century was also held, from the UPEC headquarters and with a videoconference link for national and foreign participants.

This event celebrated the recent release of Australian journalist Julian Assange, founder of WikiLeaks, who revealed on that platform the practices that violate human rights by Washington.

Among the speakers were the Argentine academic María Fernanda Ruiz and her compatriot, the journalist and media analyst Javier Romero, as well as the president of the UPEC, Ricardo Ronquillo Bello, journalists and cartoonists.

Topics were addressed such as the exercise of criticism, the speed of communication of cartoons and memes, the digital environment and content, current social events in Latin America and political communication. (Taken from JR)

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