Sarabia answered María Jimena Duzán’s questions and denied accusations about her brother

Sarabia answered María Jimena Duzán’s questions and denied accusations about her brother
Sarabia answered María Jimena Duzán’s questions and denied accusations about her brother

Director of Dapre, Laura Sarabia.

Photo: Presidency

Laura Sarabia, director of the Administrative Department of the Presidency (Dapre), has already responded to the journalist Maria Jimena Duzan, who asked him 16 questions in an opinion column over the weekend. Most of those related to his brother Andres Sarabiawho was accused of allegedly benefiting from million-dollar contracts with state entities.

Duzán formulated a right of petition open to the official and also asked her 14 questions to your brother Andrés Sarabia. “Is it true that Andrés demands from these contractors a 30% commission for all the businesses that are carried out with the State?” was one of the doubts.

In this regard, Sarabia defended herself and spoke about the alleged attacks that she and other Petro government officials would face. Also in a column published in the Cambio magazineIn response, he assured that versions circulate on social networks without evidence that threaten his honor and good name.

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“Freedom of expression has been blurred and, under its protection, the honor and good name of whoever is the target of this attack is attacked. dark, corrupt or greedy interests“, said. And he called some opinion columns, “investigative journalism and other genres” “attacks.”

In fact, he indicated that some things that have been said against him have as “the only basis for unverified sources, suggestive, malicious and perverse questions, and without the slightest journalistic rigor that allows me to offer my version,” he added.

But he did respond that his brother cannot be charged with any crime of abuse or enrichment, because “There is only evidence that he works in the private sector, without ties or negotiations with the government. His ‘crime’, apparently, is being my brother and, perhaps, having attended a couple of social gatherings above the social stratum to which, without any shame, we belong.”

The case has to do with the publication of some WhatsApp chats in which Andrés Sarabia is accused of benefiting from State contractors, in the company of businessmen such as David Cure and lawyers such as Andrés Ávila, who was also director of the Society of Special Assets (SAE). Laura Sarabia’s brother has already denounced Alejandro Villanueva, who made the accusations against him, for libel and slander.

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On the other hand, the director of Dapre made a direct criticism of the press: “My name, surname, position, experience and socioeconomic condition have been denigrated by those who classify themselves as journalists,” says Sarabia.

In relation to her judicial process in the case of the possible irregular use of the Casa de Nariño polygraph and other accusations, she suggested that she is committed to justice, but that “it is going slower than the consequences of the reputational damage and the image that the cowardly networks are leaving behind.”

He also indicated that his resignation is always available when the president considers it necessary, not in response to the comments of some on social networks, who would be asking him to leave office.

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