Martín Lousteau will lead a radical act in Santa Fe and initiate a territorial agenda: his plans for 2025

Martín Lousteau will begin a new stage on the path to build an electoral alternative (Photo: Nicolas Stulberg)
Martín Lousteau will begin a new stage on the path to build an electoral alternative (Photo: Nicolas Stulberg)

The decree he sent Javier Milei to deregulate the economy and the Bases Law placed Martin Lousteau, not only in a role opposed to the Government, but also in an uncomfortable place within the UCR. As president of the National Committee, he received innumerable criticism from his coreligionists, especially from the governors, who considered that he did not represent the whole. Despite the resistance within his party, this Saturday he will lead an event in the province of Santa Fe organized by the organizations that make up the centenary party. According to him he could know Infobaethat event will be the kick-off to start a “territorial agenda” throughout the country in search of allies to form a center space that can compete in the next elections in 2025for which they do not rule out adding Peronists.

This Saturday, in particular, will be the first plenary session of radical organizations, among which are the Radical Youth, the Purple Strip, the Organization of Radical Workers, UCR Diversidad and the National Forum of Radical Mayors. The opening will be after 9 with speeches from Lousteau himself, Ines Brizuela Doria and Felipe Michlig. The participation of Maximilian Pullarothe host of the event. Specifically, the coreligionists will debate on topics such as education, employment, federalism, among other problems that the country faces, with strong criticism of the Government of La Libertad Avanza. “The parliamentary position that Martín maintained in the last sessions will be reflected,” they said in Evolución.

“Ideas, experiences and proposals for the construction of a party with a vision of the future and a vocation for power,” is the motto of the plenary session that will also feature the participation of Gaston Manes for the closing speech, who presides over the National Convention. “It will be important because there will be many sectors of the party where the issues will be discussed openly, without speculation,” highlighted the neurologist’s brother, in dialogue with this medium.

Maximiliano Pullaro is the only governor allied to Martín Lousteau. Both joined forces for the election that consecrated him last year in Santa Fe
Maximiliano Pullaro is the only governor allied to Martín Lousteau. Both joined forces for the election that consecrated him last year in Santa Fe

The vocation for power that the plenary calls for is – precisely – a criticism that is often repeated among all sectors of the UCRThe governors believe that the authorities of the National Committee have a Buenos Aires-centric view and that they do not understand the responsibilities that the management of a territory entails. On the other hand, Lousteau understands that with a collaborationist strategy with Javier Milei, the centennial party runs the same risk that the PRO faces today, in terms of representation, and of losing the chances of forging competitiveness for 2027.

With this goal, Lousteau will face a territorial agenda that will begin today in Santa Fe and could continue next week in Salta where he would participate in the inauguration of Soledad Farfan at the head of the local Committee. “He will begin touring the country to speak with radicals, intellectuals, businessmen and all those who want to build a non-populist center space,” they assured in his entourage in dialogue with Infobae.

Lousteau’s agenda – in addition to being territorial – will be “open and non-partisan.” What does it mean? In Evolution wants to make it clear that the doors are not closed to adding Peronism to this electoral assembly which, as a founding basis, has as limits Kirchnerism and those who support a deepening of the libertarian model. In recent weeks, in the midst of the strong debates and negotiations for the Ley Bases in Congress, the version of meetings of Buenos Aires radicals with members of Unión por la Patria began to circulate, among them, Leandro Santoroa leader of radical origin.

According to what was confirmed to this media, the person in charge of carrying out these conversations is Emiliano Yacobittivice-rector of the UBA. “With all those who are willing to leave the tutelage of Cristina and Máximo Kirchner, we can talk“, they assured in Evolución who, in addition, confirmed that there had already been meetings with Juan Manuel Olmos, Auditor General of the Nation and former official of Alberto Fernández. “We can also talk with Axel (Kicillof), if he becomes independent from Cristina,” they slipped in almost like a public proposal.

Since his process of differentiation from Milei and his vote in the Senate, Lousteau was accused of being functional to Kirchnerism. However, his strategic team clarifies: “The center space that we built cannot include La Cámpora. If Axel comes, he has to break with Cristina.” “Next year the provinces will be a test for this space,” they added.

Facundo Manes and Martín Lousteau agree on the need to build a central space, but public gestures of rapprochement are lacking
Facundo Manes and Martín Lousteau agree on the need to build a central space, but public gestures of rapprochement are lacking

Does this space include Facundo Manes? The answers are not clear. The neurologist is clear about his objective of strengthening his Buenos Aires army: he will fight – like Evolución – for representation in the Provincial Committee, which this Tuesday will set a date to elect the successor of Maximilian Abbot. He will also lead a talk on July 4 at the National University of Lanús, entitled “Dialogues towards the future.” Although his close associates play down the political tone, it is known that the deputy has not given up on his idea of ​​being a presidential candidate.

During his 2023 campaign, Manes was the main driver of building an alliance with non-K Peronism, such as, Juan Schiaretti. In the Buenos Aires Legislature it has six allied deputies, led by Claudio Franguland in the Chamber of Deputies with Pablo Juliano. When the plenary session for this Saturday began to be organized, the possibility of getting a photo between the neurologist, Lousteau and Pullaro had been mentioned, but it did not come to fruition. These days, and especially after the controversy unleashed by the role of the UCR in Congress, the founder of INECO avoids photos or meetings with party figures.

In Evolución they assure that the link with Manes is well oiled. So much so that they managed to agree on the formation of the National Ethics Tribunal. What is it? It is the body that, for example, has the power to expel Luis Petri from the centennial partyThe Minister of Defense was heavily questioned for his incorporation into Milei’s Government, which is why more than 20 requests were made to request his removal. These requests will be handled by Ricardo Barrios Arrechea, Alicia Tate and Juan Pedro Tunessi, who answer to the neurologist himself, Lousteau and Gerardo Morales.

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