The latest news from the Javier Milei government, after the approval of the Ley Bases

  • After obtaining its first law, the Government focuses on a new stage of the plan: monetary program, the postponed exit from the stocks and greater deregulation.
  • Javier Milei defines what day next week Federico Sturzzeneger will take over as minister. He still has to know what the name of this portfolio will be, which will focus on deregulation and state debureaucratization.
  • It reinforces the adjustment in the State with the dismissal of some 5,000 employees.

The latest news from Javier Milei LIVE, after the sanction of the Bases Law

CGT’s warning to the Government on Profits: “It will aggravate the loss of purchasing power”

The CGT released a statement critical of the return of Profits. (Photo: NA)

The General Confederation of Labor (CGT) released a statement in which it stated its position after the sanction of the Bases Law and the fiscal packagewhich establishes a new non-taxable minimum for the Income Tax.

“There is nothing more regressive in terms of taxation than taxing work and exempting large assets from taxes”noted the labor union in a document released this Saturday.

According to the CGT, the restitution of Profits will negatively affect more than 800 thousand workers who will see a reduction in their income.

The initiative approved in the House of Representatives establishes a non-taxable minimum of $1,800,000 for single workers and $2,200,000 for married couples with childrenFor unionists, the measure will increase the tax burden on workers whose income is already compromised by inflation and the economic recession.

“This situation will further aggravate the loss of purchasing power of wages, already affected by the impossibility of matching the accumulated inflation rates, leading to a scenario where workers will receive less income than they do at present, increasing poverty rates, in a context of growing recession and unemployment,” concluded the CGT.

Manuel Adorni’s announcement: “Télam has ceased to exist”

Presidential spokesman Manuel Adorni announced this Saturday the definitive closure of the Télam news agency.

“Télam, as we knew it, has ceased to exist. The end,” he wrote in X Javier Milei, an official, accompanied his message with part of a document that establishes the constitution of the state media company in a new society.

Martín Redrado: “If the stocks are not lifted, investments will not come”

Martin Redradoformer president of the Central Bank, stressed that for the economy to grow again it is essential to raise the exchange rate trapalthough he clarified that the measure could not be taken immediately. “There are not enough dollars”said.

“What is offered for Monday is an exchange of a debt of the BCRA with the banks “which has its origin in the budget deficit originated in the previous government’s policy of spending and passing the debt on to the next one,” explained the economist.

Speaking to Radio MiterRedrado pointed out that the proposal to the banks is a “lower quality” debt (the Treasury, unlike the BCRA, has a history of defaults), so for the banks to voluntarily accept it, he recommended “generate incentives that help transform that debt into credit for the private sector.”

The former head of the BCRA referred to the exchange rate trap and the pressure to lift it. “There is a lack of reserves. What I propose is to get out of the stocks with a dynamic of lifting one by one the restrictions placed in the last three, four years by the BCRA and the National Securities Commission (CNV), with a sequence to lift those restrictions, “he argued. he.

José Luis Espert demanded that the unions push for labor reform: “This way retirees would not earn poverty”

Deputy José Luis Espert considered that in the stage after achieving the sanction of the Bases Law, there should be a debate towards labor reform. He even urged the union members “to push it so that our retirees do not earn poverty.”

“There must be labor reform. This way there will be more blank work. With these laws from the caveman era, no one will give legal jobs“Espert remarked in statements to radio Miter.

Regarding the announcements by Luis Caputo and the president of the BCRA, Santiago Bausili, the libertarian legislator said that “it was so that people understand what will happen starting next week. The monetary issue ended. The Central Bank regains its independence, as happens in normal countries. Now you just have to take care of the currency and avoid inflation.”

The changes in Profits will impact the provinces: the winners and losers of the sanction in Deputies

President Javier Milei in a meeting with northern governors. (Photo: NA)

President Javier Milei in a meeting with northern governors. (Photo: NA)

The restitution of the fourth category of Profits implies more funds for the Nation and the provinces. 57% of the collection of this tax goes to the provincial territories. How much will it cost to each one.

The governors in favor of dialogue ask that the changes “begin to be noticed”

“We need to give a clear signal to the markets, to the world and to Argentines,” said the governors of the “dialogue” opposition. (Photo: JxC Press)

In a statement, the leaders of Juntos por el Cambio celebrated that the Government now has the “tools” to implement its economic program. “We need to give a clear signal to the markets, the world and the Argentines,” they said.

After obtaining its first law, the Government will insist on political and labor reforms

The Executive wants to move forward with modifications to the electoral system, which include the elimination of PASO and the establishment of the Single Paper Ballot.

ATE rejected the call for collective bargaining: “It is a strategy to avoid forceful measures due to layoffs”

“They summon us on the same day they say that They are going to lay off 50 thousand workers. They are very obvious,” said Rodolfo Aguiar in reference to the call for collective bargaining by the Government. He added: “This Government has a habit of call joint ventures without making offers. It is clear that they want to leave us again without an increase in the month of June to prevent it from having an impact on the bonuses.”

“The deterioration in salaries accumulated since December 10 in the public sector has no close precedents,” said the ATE representative.

“In addition to a percentage increase, a fixed sum is needed that will allow for a rapid recovery of the lowest incomes of the administration. These blows to pockets can no longer be tolerated. “We are facing a scenario of escalating conflict in the public sector,” he concluded.

Despite the call for action, the union confirmed that it will continue with the planned protests in all public bodies.

The IMF welcomed the measures announced by Luis Caputo

The Minister of Economy, Luis Caputo, assured this Thursday that the second phase of the monetary plan is “beginning.”

After the press conference, the IMF highlighted the announcement: “We approve the measures announced by the Minister of Economy, Luis Caputo, and the President of the Central Bank, Santiago Bausili, to strengthen the monetary policy framework.”

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