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After the Bases Law, Javier Milei asks to calm the internal fight, defines Sturzenegger’s role and focuses on the May Pact

“Neither relaunch nor changes in the Cabinet: we do not have to stop, we have to take advantage of this push to move forward with the management and the May Pact.” Javier Milei returns from the G7 in Italy and the Peace Summit in Ukraine with the premise of capitalizing on the best week since he took office and, according to what those around him trust, he wants that after approval of the Base Law his government “does not waste time on politicians’ problems.”

Therefore, the President’s idea is to bury the wave of rumors about new departures from the Cabinet that did not stop since the dismissal of Nicolás Posse and that involved more than half of his ministers: Sandra Pettovello (Human Capital), Mariano Cúneo Libarona (Justice), Diana Mondino (Chancellery), Mario Russo (Health) and Javier Herrera Bravo (Legal and Technical).

Warned of the damage that so much noise could generate in society’s perception of his administration, even maintaining reproaches for some, the head of state was in charge of clarifying case by case that no one was at risk and that the changes in the first line of Government They ended with the landing of Guillermo Francos in the Chief of Staff and the incorporation of Federico Sturzenegger.

The situation of the former president of the Central Bank is curious. He was confirmed by Milei and even part of his troop already frequents Casa Rosada, but his appointment is postponed and versions began to emerge. There was talk of resistance from the Minister of Economy, Luis “Toto” Caputo, something that was rejected by the Government, under the argument that “he will not deal with economic issues but with the deregulation of the State” contemplated by the Base Law.

Those who are closely familiar with the restructuring of the Chief of Staff organizational chart and the distribution of the areas that Posse previously had under its orbit point out that the delays have to do with that point. “The problem is that Javier wants it to deregulate and modernize the State but he wants to keep half the Cabinet“explains a close presidential collaborator. However, he would be in charge of an area with ministerial rank. A doubt that expands in Balcarce 50: Will he settle in the office that belonged to Posse, adjacent to the President’s, and that Francos chose not to use?

Javier Milei greets Vlodimir Zelenski at the Global Peace Summit in Ukraine, in Switzerland. Photo: TV Capture

“At least for now we don’t want more noiseit makes no sense to generate the idea that every week someone can leave,” they explain in the presidential environment. This does not mean, they cut short quickly, that there are no tweaks in second and third lines. Especially because there are still officials who responded to Posse that they are still “under review”, as the head of state stated, and because the Government considers it necessary to reduce that 63 percent of politicians who still persist of the previous management.

The one who first warned – and was not listened to too much – about the issue was the Minister of Security, Patricia Bullrich, but the crisis in Human Capital and the suspicions that the leaks arose from within the ministry set off the alarms and now the order is “purify the most sensitive areas,” as he confided to Clarion a member of the Cabinet.

Likewise, the Government’s priority is to take advantage of the momentum of the positive data it garnered last week. With the approval of the laws and the 4.2 percent inflation rate in May, they are not afraid to say that “the worst is over.”

“We have to take advantage of this momentum and focus on continuing to improve management, on advancing the plans of what we came to do in each area and not fall into the traps of Kirchnerism and the caste that is losing privileges and reacts in self-defense,” he believes. a member of the Cabinet.

The internal ones, the friendly fire that the President took note of a few weeks ago and warned that he would not admit “operations” are part of this reasoning. “Whoever makes one, I throw him out,” he said. And some time later he left the Posse’s place. But reports of more changes continued.

The turning point seems to have been the case of Pettovello, who this week appeared to guarantee that “no” he is going to resign and began to reassemble his team with more political muscle. The president’s fierce defense served to silence the voices that favored his departure and that of the rest of the officials. According to him he could know Clarion, the President already knows who they were. But he postponed any decision to avoid noise and asked everyone to “speed up” the management. “This is time to move forward. He knew about Posse a long time before and fired him when it had to be done,” explains someone who interprets the President like few others.

The Government’s next challenge is the May Pact. The possibility of it taking place on July 9 in Tucumán, as Francos specified, is the ideal scenario for the Casa Rosada, but without approval in the Deputies, questions still arise. It is also not clear if the call will be made only for those who supported the Base Law, as stated in the statement from the Office of the President. After all, the Government also highlighted the support of the governor of Tucumán, Osvaldo Jaldo, who was not accompanied by votes in the Senate. “We want to propose ten State policies, that do not remain in a photo, and that can be converted into projects to send to Congress,” they explain in the Government.

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