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“How are they going to take the child there?”, the indignation of Loan’s father, the boy who disappeared in Corrientes

Hours and days pass, and the anguish grows: Loan Danilo Peñathe 5-year-old boy who disappeared in an orange grove in Currents, has not yet been found despite the fact that a large security operation was deployed. In the last hours José, his father, broke the silence, who showed his indignation for the actions of the adults who accompanied him when he got lost last Thursday. “How are they going to carry the creature around?”he asked himself with a hint of anger and resignation.

“The baby was with my brother-in-law and a friendly couple that I don’t know. They came to have lunch at my mother’s house. It was the first time that Loan came to his grandmother’s. That Thursday, I caught up with him on horseback and left him with them because they were going to my mother’s,” José pointed out.

And he added: “I didn’t have any dealings with them because I don’t know them (adults, friends of his brother-in-law). I come here for my mother’s every 15 days or once a month, I’m not here every day. When he got home, Loan was not there.. They were all there, but not Loan. There my brother-in-law spoke to my sister on the phone to see if she had returned there, but no. “She wasn’t there,” José said.

The boy disappeared last Thursday, after 2 p.m., when he went out to look for oranges in a neighboring field. Access to this place is complicated. There are paths, but also alleys. Lots of trees and little open field. They were on their way to his grandmother’s house for lunch. The boy was in a group with three adults and six minors when he lost track of him.

At one point in the interview with TN, the little boy’s father left a disturbing piece of information: “I don’t understand why they went to look for oranges on someone else’s property, If in my house there are oranges, tangerines… Is rare. You have to ask permission for that. And they have to ask my permission to take the child out there. How are they going to get the creature around?“he continued.

José, the father of Loan Danilo Peña, the 5-year-old boy who is missing in Corrientes

After four days of vigorous searches in the area, there are no positive results: only the discovery of his sneakers that were lying in the middle of the mountain, very far from where the boy disappeared. Loan was lost on Thursday and a few days ago the “Sofia Alert” protocol was activated in order to obtain more data.

As the investigation progressed, Justice detained the three older men who accompanied him due to “inconsistency in their testimonies” and they were detained at the 9 de Julio police station. There were raids on the homes of these suspected people, but they yielded no valuable clues. Nor were there any in the rakes after the footwear appeared.

“Sofia Alert” activated for the search for Loan.

The dramatic request from the Minister of Security after the discovery of new footprints: “I hope he is alive”

The Corrientes Minister of Security, Buenaventura Duarte, confirmed that on Sunday afternoon new evidence was found, among which there are more footprints and vomit. As detailed by those in charge of the search operation in a press conference held this Monday morning, so far about 10 footprints have been detected, two or three kilometers from the route.

Now this Monday’s operation adds support by air, with a helicopter and two planes to the search. “We are organizing a search in Estancia La Laguna, with 600 people in two shifts of 300 people each,” explained the official and confirmed that “the prosecutor charged the three detainees with the crime of abandonment and is going to request preventive detention.” .

Loan Danilo Peña, the 5-year-old boy who is missing in Corrientes. Photo. Video capture.

There are three detainees: a housewife; an employee who was on leave; and a changarín, who would have a history but for cattle rustling. One of them, Loan’s uncle.

Regarding the testimonies in the Gesell Chamber of the boys who accompanied Loan, made in Goya, Duarte said that the children saw that Loan had two oranges in his hands and that he said that “he wanted to go to his family.”

The shoe that would belong to Loan, the 5-year-old boy who is missing in Corrientes. Corrientes Police Photo

And then “they saw him go in the opposite direction to his grandmother’s house”: the little boy was going for the first time, as confirmed by his father. This information provided by the boys caused the search to be redirected and they were able to find a shoe belonging to the missing boy.

The new footprints found show that he went north without detouring.

When asked if they are looking for Loan alive, Duarte responded: “I hope he is alive. Due to the characteristics of his person, which the doctors have analyzed, he could be alive. Pray that he is alive,” he concluded.

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