Carlos Sainz wants to make a splash in Monaco

Carlos Sainz He had a couple of unexpected setbacks with his car at Imola, which did not allow him to complete the race as he wanted. In his own words, “There were things that didn’t work, something about the engine and also aerodynamics, which could not be fixed for the race. “Now we have to push for Monaco.”

He told MARCA, spontaneously, slipping that he has a lot of hopes placed on a very particular race, but where Ferrari almost always gets a good work window to achieve a great lap in qualifying. Monte Carlo Saturday is a race in itself and although the SF-24 doesn’t look as good as its slow corner predecessor, It’s more a matter of getting the setup appropriate. Ferrari, in recent years, has always been strong on urban circuits, such as in Singapore, where Sainz himself won last year, and they believe they can be contenders for victory this Sunday.

For Leclerca native of Monaco, where he has never won since making his F1 debut, winning at home is a primary issue, although the inspiration of Carlos It’s always special when the walls appear so close and The man from Madrid believes that he is on par with his teammate to aspire to pole this Saturday.

“The good thing is that I was with Charles in race pace and that is quite positive. Now we have to calmly analyze what has happened and we have to analyze from our side of the garage what could have happened and the inconsistencies that have occurred in the car, which has given me several scares, and I think that in Monaco it can be tightened”, Carlos pointed out, very focused on the next calendar appointment.

Adjustments and warming up the tires

For Fred Vasseur Ferrari team boss, the tendency of each car when it arrives at Paincipado is not so important either. “Monaco is a track where you race with cars configured in a very particular way and also The asphalt and grip are unique, a grip where cornering speed is not an important factor. The curves cannot be compared with other curves on the circuits of the rest of the year,” he says, warning that they have hopes of getting a competitive car.

Sainz already He has accumulated 21 podiums in F1 and the first one with Ferrari was achieved precisely in Monaco in 2022. a scenario in which he wants to leave his mark this weekend to once again be in the top zone of the World Cup.

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