DjMariio, the Buyer brothers and Adri Contreras accompany the National Team in the new Adidas spot

ANDl Kings League World Cup had its end last Sunday with a Final Four at the BBVA Stadium in Monterrey spectacular that crowned Pigs and Ibai Llanos like the first World Champion of the history of the project, so now comes a big break.

Until September The competition is not returning, although we will have a lot of content during these months, the discards, the new draft and surely a 11, 12 and 13 market. But in addition to this, the team presidents are going to be very busy, since it is summer Europe and the Olympic Games and many of them will be present in these tournaments.

The Adidas spot with the national team…and with presidents of the Kings League

DjMariio, the Buyer and Adri Contreras with the National Team

Many of the members of the Kings League They are content creators soccer, so brands turn to them to represent them in a competition as important as the case of Adidas with DjMariio, Adri Contreras and the Buyer Brothers.

The sports brand is also one of the sponsors of the Spanish selectionso to prepare for the tournament many players have participated in the promotional video, but we have also had some ‘infiltrators’‘ in this strange kind of German like DjMariio, the Buyer brothers and Adri Contreras.

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