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Colo Colo’s formula to sign Lucas Di Yorio

Jorge Almirón is looking at the former Everton to replace Damián Pizarro and also to fight for the position with Guillermo Paiva.

By Felipe Pavez Farías

Updated on 06/14/2024 – 18:42 CLT

Updated on 06/14/2024 – 18:42 CLT

© IMAGO/Agencia-MexSportDi Yorio appears as an option in Colo Colo

Colo Colo is still searching for a quality center forward. For now, this objective has been more than complicated in the transfer market. But now a new option appears like Lucas Di Yorio.

The 27-year-old forward is at Paranaense but does not have a starting position, he even appears in a secondary role. For the same reason, the Brazilian cast would welcome a possible departure, to free up a quota of foreigners.

This was announced by Dani Arrieta on TNT Sports, where he indicated that coach Albo himself seeks to speed up the process. “Jorge Almirón will meet with Aníbal Mosa in the next few hours this Friday to define names. This week will be very important”, indicated the journalist.

Di Yorio adds bonuses to reach Colo Colo

The center forward is Colo Colo’s priority. After the departure of Damián Pizarro, they need another player there and to fight for the position with Guillermo Paiva“Arrieta added. But at the same time, he detailed the formula that the Cacique is considering to achieve this signing and avoid a new mess in the transfer market.

The formula to bring in Di Yorio

Given this, it was detailed that Colo Colo will seek to bring the player through a particular formula. The one that is applied due to the context that Lucas Di Yorio faces and that adapts to the BiN budget.

In Colo Colo they are looking for the loan option with a purchase option. He has had little participation, but in Chile he showed a great performance. But This method is used since it is impossible to go find a starting player for an important team. It is the profile that does not have much participation, and it fits what Almirón is looking for,” Arrieta stressed.

So now we have to wait for the arrival of the 27-year-old forward who in his career has accumulated 49 goals in 133 games played.

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